Thinking of Buying a surefire, but which?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 1, 2007
Hi everyone,

After reading alot on the surefire website and knowing a friend who is obsessed with flashlights now.. I'm kinda breaking down and wanting one even though I said I never would get one.

I've been looking on their website and I have a rough idea of what I want, I want something under $200 that is either LED or Incandescent that will have a bit of throw to it, and be greater than or equal to 50 lumens.. That being said, here are a couple of the models I've been looking it, under, and a couple over my price range, tell me what you think, I'm sure you know more than I ever will about flashlights.

The first model that caught my eye, was the L1 LumaMax. A high of 65 lumens(more than bright enough for anything realistic I would do really.) A low of 10 lumens(perfect for closer work) and it's more than pocket-sized, which is also something I would like, i don't really want to walk around with a big big bulge in my pocket.. I'm leaning towards something more discreet.

I also like the 6P.. but the only problem is it is only 65 lumens with no high or low, which would eat batteries pretty fast. It also doesn't have a pocket clip.. which is something I kind of want.

The A2 Aviator seemed nice, a little more expensive but I do like the idea of an LED for low, and being able to choose my color LED, and having an Incandescent that will throw for other uses.. but is it really practical to carry around? It is a little on the larger side.

Those are the models that most caught my eye immediately. Any and all input would be appreciated.

Thank You For Your Time,
Perfect pocket light THE BEAST II everything you need a high and a low plus possible carrysolutions include a sling lol have fun:nana:

BTW I am his flashlight obsessed friend..
Hello Steven, :welcome:

you are on the right way with the L1 cree. Its a nice EDC and you will enjoy it. May be your second SF will be another one.

Your choice is the best to become a good flashaholic.

An answer: Yes.

The CPF answer: Get both.

First, I love my L1. I keep it by me almost all the time, and there are only a few select items that I EDC. The pocket clip is very nice. It has never fallen off of my pocket, even after a backflip. The one thing I would have to advise about is the hotspot. The L1 is an insane thrower. This means that even on low, it is not the best reading light, as the hotspot is too bright compared to the spill. It also means it is great for blinding people. Depending on your close up work, you may or may not want to look at an F04 diffuser. Battery life is also really good since you have the choice of low. I'm currently on my 3rd cell. I go through 3 every two months.

This is being used almost every other day. A few things I like to do with this light. Turn it on low, clip it to my ceiling lamp shade, and do a ceiling bounce. This is great at night for reading hands-free/on book, if you bounce it right, or if getting up without wanting to ruin your night vision while fumbling for something.

Next is really cool. If you place it on top of a filled bottle of water that has a clear plastic and white cap, it makes the perfect lantern. I first discovered this with Kirkland bottles. It works well on low or high. Half full with water works the best.

Getting side tracked here. The main thing about this light is the throw, which can be a curse or gift. Inside, perhaps not so great, unless diffused. Outside, insane throw.

Overall great light. The one cell format makes for a perfect grip for my hands, plus it looks spiffy too. Also, tough as nails. Today, I had my hands full, a knife was a bit out of reach, so I used the knurling to nip some packing tape in order to tear it:whistle:.

I'll let someone else describe how great the A2 also is.

Oh, and ignore the others. Flashaholism is not that infectious. I've managed to keep... my.... :crackup::crackup::crackup: Yeah. The new mutant cold can wait. You have a more immediate concern. Think of it as bugs with credit cards and paypal attracted to lights.
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Both the A2 and L1 are good lights, it probably just depends on what you want now.... The A2 isn't huge but it's getting on the verge of being too big for EDC and the L1 is quite a small size. The beams are totally different also - have a look around here and you'll see them. Maybe tell us a bit more about what you will use it for and we should be able to give you a good choice!
If you wish to keep your light small with good output you may want to read a little here on the Lumens Factory lamps available for the little E1E. I have all three available and the lowest makes I think 40 lumens using one standard 123 cell with the others using Rechargeable 123 cells for 50 lumens and 90 lumens. It really is one of the best things going right now as far as small incandescents go and it is really a great looking light also.

They also make very good drop in lamps for the 2 cell version.....just do a search for lumens factory or check out the dealer or manufacturer threads.
I also like the 6P.. but the only problem is it is only 65 lumens with no high or low, which would eat batteries pretty fast. It also doesn't have a pocket clip.. which is something I kind of want.

You could buy them all, or you could start out with the 6P and put a "drop in" unit in it to make it run longer and brighter. You will also be able to keep updating the light as new LEDs are released.

The Malkoff and the BugOutGear Q5 appear to be the current dropins du jour.
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a corollary to that old potato chips commercial:

"Surefire lights, bet you can't buy just one!"

Given time, you will, in all likelihood, buy more Surefires.

IMO, each has some unique characteristics and you will learn to appreciate each for what it offers.

now, to my main point. since you will probably buy more SF's (at least a second one), may i suggest that you set your initial purchase price higher. this is in fact what i did, thinking that i would only own one SF light (have over 12 of them now).

purchasing the most flexible (in terms of use) SF light might postpone the inevitable, viz. the acquisition of more SF lights, either as a collection or to fulfill real-world lighting needs that your first SF light doesn't seem to meet perfectly.

to postpone just a tad longer the inevitable, adding a second SF light to your lighting arsenal, set your initial $$$ ceiling higher.

i'd suggest getting a $279 (or so) SF U2 as your first light. the six lighting levels provide a wide range of light outputs which are more than adequate for many, many uses. (if you need different color light output and the brightest output is NOT the primary requirement, then maybe a Kroma or Mil-Std Kroma ought to be considered, but if WHITE light output only is required, the U2 is very nice).

paying more for your first light has an upside and a downside, IMO.

upside: you will postpone for a period of time spending more $$$ for two lights (both will probably cost more than the cost of a single U2).

downside: having shelled out $279 for a single SF light, you will find it far too easy to shell out less $$$ for other fine SF lights.

so, spend a little more, get the U2, and postpone by a few more weeks or months, the inevitable acquisition of more SF lights with their attendant cash outlays.

my 27900 cents. YMMV, but i still bet that you can't buy just one!

Hi everyone,

After reading alot on the surefire website and knowing a friend who is obsessed with flashlights now.. I'm kinda breaking down and wanting one even though I said I never would get one.

I've been looking on their website and I have a rough idea of what I want, I want something under $200 that is either LED or Incandescent that will have a bit of throw to it, and be greater than or equal to 50 lumens.. That being said, here are a couple of the models I've been looking it, under, and a couple over my price range, tell me what you think, I'm sure you know more than I ever will about flashlights.

The first model that caught my eye, was the L1 LumaMax. A high of 65 lumens(more than bright enough for anything realistic I would do really.) A low of 10 lumens(perfect for closer work) and it's more than pocket-sized, which is also something I would like, i don't really want to walk around with a big big bulge in my pocket.. I'm leaning towards something more discreet.

I also like the 6P.. but the only problem is it is only 65 lumens with no high or low, which would eat batteries pretty fast. It also doesn't have a pocket clip.. which is something I kind of want.

The A2 Aviator seemed nice, a little more expensive but I do like the idea of an LED for low, and being able to choose my color LED, and having an Incandescent that will throw for other uses.. but is it really practical to carry around? It is a little on the larger side.

Those are the models that most caught my eye immediately. Any and all input would be appreciated.

Thank You For Your Time,
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I resisted buying a Surefire Ican light for EDC because of the hour run time, but the 6PL and G2L both offer extended run times with LEDs.

Someone here will likely have a link to a performance review.

The 6PL and G2L both put out 80 lumens, which make it a bit bright for close work, but depending on which you'll be doing more of, it may be worth considering.

You can't beat the versatality of the A2, and someone even sells aftermarket colored modules so you can change out the color without having to buy a whole 'nuther light.

Surefire's are TOTL, but if this is your first light, and considering your "wants list" of features, you might have some fun comparing the features you say you want to the Fenix L2D Premium Q5 (it runs from 11 lumens low to 180 lumens high).
Considering that you have been "turned" by your friend (into an obsessively crazed flashaholic), the inexpensive Fenix ($60) might be a painless way (money wise) to get into the hobby.

Then once you've been dazzled by the brilliance, you can begin rearranging your finances and your life to include several Surefires while at the same time looking for places in the house where your wife won't find them.
:welcome: With your three choices for a first SF I would have to go with the L1 first. It's a great size for EDC and having two stages is very useful!

If your need for a high quality flashlight with a lifetime guarantee is still not satisfied then buy the 6P. There is a wide variety of high-powered lamps available for this light as well as LED drop-ins.

Then last, but certainly not least, there is the A2 Aviator. A hybrid light with a regulated incan that has a devoted following. It's one of my favorite Surefires!

You can't go wrong with any of these lights! I think each has a special place in Surefires line-up.
You could buy them all, or you could start out with the 6P and put a "drop in" unit in it to make it run longer and brighter. You will also be able to keep updating the light as new LEDs are released.

The Malkoff and the BugOutGear Q5 appear to be the current dropins du jour.

This is the way to go

I prefer the C2/C3 to the 6P/9P also look at the M2 all use the same lamp assembly

My favorite SF right now is a C3 with the BOG Q5 and RPM tailcap/switch with trit inserts
You want an L1. Everyone likes the L1. Anyone who says they don't like the L1 is lying to you and is a secret agent in the pay of Fenix - all of whose employees I happen to know carry L1s so they can find their way out of the building when their Fenixes die. Everyone should have an L1. Go buy an L1. You WILL like the L1. L1s are great.
If you wish to keep your light small with good output you may want to read a little here on the Lumens Factory lamps available for the little E1E. I have all three available and the lowest makes I think 40 lumens using one standard 123 cell with the others using Rechargeable 123 cells for 50 lumens and 90 lumens. It really is one of the best things going right now as far as small incandescents go and it is really a great looking light also.

They also make very good drop in lamps for the 2 cell version.....just do a search for lumens factory or check out the dealer or manufacturer threads.

The E1e + Lumens Factory lamps is the best little incandescent combo available in the market today.
Mikelip you will not be dissapointed with the E1E lumens factory combo. For the longest time I did not believe a single cell incandescent would ever be anything other than a novelty light however this combo is actually very functional. I actually found the standard surefire lamp great around the house or fumbling for things in my car however add the higher power lumens factory lamps and the light is perfect as a back up light and a very serious performer with the EO Lumens factory lamp.....90 lumens is awesome from this small light and the excellent reflector makes for a buttery smooth beam.

The best thing I noticed about the E1E / Lumens factory combo is the tint of their lamps. normally incandescents tend to be more brown or creamy however all of my Lumens Factory lamps are much more white tinted and thus "look" even brighter than they are.