Thought I'd like to say hello!


Newly Enlightened
May 23, 2010
the new West
While not traditional, the first part of my "hello" is actually a lovecpf for all the assembled experience, so freely shared with newbs like me; I discovered the site after purchasing a 4Sevens Quark AA and seeing the board credited on the box. First time I'd ever seen that! So what's a girl to do, but have a looky. So that took care of Sunday and Monday...

I'm new to lights, but have been a gun and knife nut for years, an avid hunter and beater-of-the-bushes. Prior luminosity restricted to 3D Mag and various minis - you know, the ones you tend to have in your hunting and camping stuff.

But, its a new century and things have been changing and I've been poking around picking up a few things to keep the AA company. First up (though not delivered yet) are a Quark Mini AA Ti and Fenix LD20 R4. They should arrive later on this week.

I've always been a tad suspicious about Surefire and their pricing, but after poking around on CPF, thought I just had to have one.... so an E2D is defending my desk as I type.

So, thanks, and I look forward to hanging around a bit, I'n y'all don"t mind :whistle:.

A shot of the happy duo and a couple of sharps. This is the preferred size for images on a couple of other sites I visit. Are they acceptable here? Cheers and happy to resize if needed :wave:
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Hey Redbike!

First of all, :welcome:

Second, the E2DL is one of the best Surefire lights there is. Definitely an excellent first Surefire purchase for sure. Good job on that.

The problem is that you will want more. Surefire lights are quite the "gateway light".

Always glad to have more folks here who "see the light".:)

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Thanks; its my favorite BM these days - flawless lock up and very smooth - but then I suspect you already know that... Image resized - thanks!

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