Thrunite P60 drop in too long?


Dec 16, 2009
Waukesha, WI
Ok, I just got a 3 mode R5 P60 drop in by Thrunite for my SF 6PD. The head does not screw all the way down now, and upon closer inspection, the brass heat sink on the drop in is sticking out of the reflector housing nearly identically the same length as the head is from being screwed all the way down.

Is this normal?
Check the brass driver board if it is screwed into the reflector properly. That might be preventing the bezel from screwing down completely.
Yeah, I did check that. It is screwed in all the way. I actually unscrewed it to make sure it wasn't being impeded from screwing all the way in. Now, it is the 3 way, so it may be bigger than a single, I dunno.

Here are a couple pics...


Try removing the spring. If the dropin doesn't make contact without it try adding layers of Cu tape or Al foil until its hard (but possible) to screw down the bezel.

Had the same problem with the Javelin Dropin with the spring in my G2, now there is about a 1/6mm gap which is really, really hard to see.
You need to remove the large spring. It typically is not needed with asian origin drop ins. But even then you'll probably need to do some fine tuning to get all the parts to match up. You can to some degree adjust the length of the module by unscrewing the brass pill, to get the parts to make electrical contact.

The idea is to get the brass pill to contact the body tube firmly when you tighten down the bezel.
The big spring removal did it. I really need to look a little closer at mating parts from now on. :ohgeez::duh2:

Thanks a lot gents.
My Thrunite three speed needs the spring in my G2 but does not need it in my 6P. I love this drop-in!
I love it too. This drop in effectively turned my 6PD into the same output as my new Fenix TK12. Just amazing. I got a Surefire 6P KX4 in yesterday (120 lumen output) and this Thrunite drop in blew it out of the least in high mode.:thumbsup:

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