~ Ti RaClicky question ~ *Lube Help*

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2006
What lube do you guys recommend, the threads always feel rough/grindy
on these guys.

I cleaned it up and used some nyogel, still feels grindy.
Any recommendations appreciated:twothumbs

Ray, I use teflon tape but some feel that is a rather crude approach. I know that fyrstormer had started a thread on some mixture which he had put together for just this purpose.

Ti threads need a while to wear in, I guess they always feel a litle bit grindy. I don't understand where the problem with a Clicky is, you tighten the light and don't have to turn the head again until the battery has to be changed! :shrug:

Nevertheless, there are better solutions than Nyogel, nfetterly sells the exact lube that is used by McGizmo. I don't have it, but may get it, as I'm gonna have some twisty titatium lights soon. Then there was a guy who spoke about baking soda. You have to use the search function for the exact quantities, but you take your favorite lube, nyogel in your case and add some baking powder. I didn't try that...

Another idea is to break the threads in. Just inform yourself how you should proceed to have the best results and than you can start twisting, again and again and again! :eek:
OK, I feel a little better that it's just not me.

It feels really grindy when I screw tha battery cap back on, I
was concerned that this would damage the threads over time.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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