Tiablo A9 -v- Dereelight DBS V2


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2008
I've got a Tiablo A9 but the lens is very badly scratched (so much for supposedly toughened glass). I can't find replacement lenses anywhere so I'm thinking of buying a new A9 and relegating the old one to my fishing bag. I've read some reviews on the Dereelight and I know that this light is considered to be one of the best production throwers available. I need a good flashight for hunting rabbits. I thought about getting one of the HID lights but they are expensive and from what I understand most don't have instant restrike capabilities so I'm sticking with an LED for now. I can buy an A9 for roughly half what the Dereelight would cost, but if the Dereelight is alot better for my needs then I might go for that. I would appreciate your opinions. Thanks.
I think they are similar in performance.

The Deerelight has a clip on it, and it's a little heavier (more metal to dissipate the heat). My Tiablo tailswitch broke and had to do some odd work to get a new one (that worked).

The Deerelight also can come with a forward switch, which is nice. The replacement tailswitch I got for my A9 is a forward switch, but the A9's modes aren't controlled in the head, so getting a forward switch turned my A9 into a single mode light.
The Regalight EDC seems to be an interesting newcommer for a decent price if bought before post # 300. Here's a promo thread. Looks like it can keep up with a Rapid Fire Spear.

Here's a little review from a new owner.
The Dereelight DBS will have more throw(not too much more though) and be easier to upgrade, but the A9 is cheaper to buy. Which one is better depends on what you want to do. For fishing, I'm not sure.
Actually, I beg to differ. I've owned an A9, and still own my DBS v2 R2. The DBS outthrows it noticeably.

However, recent posts indicate that the relatively tiny Regalight EDC may actually throw further than the DBS. You'll be sacraficing runtime because of the smaller battery though.
I've got a Tiablo A9 but the lens is very badly scratched (so much for supposedly toughened glass). I can't find replacement lenses anywhere so I'm thinking of buying a new A9 and relegating the old one to my fishing bag. I've read some reviews on the Dereelight and I know that this light is considered to be one of the best production throwers available. I need a good flashight for hunting rabbits. I thought about getting one of the HID lights but they are expensive and from what I understand most don't have instant restrike capabilities so I'm sticking with an LED for now. I can buy an A9 for roughly half what the Dereelight would cost, but if the Dereelight is alot better for my needs then I might go for that. I would appreciate your opinions. Thanks.
The Tiablo A9 was discontinued by the original manufacturer and if you can find one for half the price of a DBS, you're probably looking at a nasty counterfeit.
Actually, I beg to differ. I've owned an A9, and still own my DBS v2 R2. The DBS outthrows it noticeably.

However, recent posts indicate that the relatively tiny Regalight EDC may actually throw further than the DBS. You'll be sacraficing runtime because of the smaller battery though.

In fact when U put they aspherical lenses on Tiablo and DBS there is no difference in throw. They throw same.

If U don't want to use aspherical lenses DBS is better but if U prefer aspherical Tiablo is much better(cheaper) choice.
In fact when U put they aspherical lenses on Tiablo and DBS there is no difference in throw. They throw same.

If U don't want to use aspherical lenses DBS is better but if U prefer aspherical Tiablo is much better(cheaper) choice.

I have both Asphericals, and the A9 easily out-throws the dereelight. Better looking beam too.
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I have both Asphericals, and the A9 easily out-throws the dereelight. Better looking beam too.

Hi, i have many A9 and DBS but i have never had a A9 wich throws out an DBS.
All DBS have a little more throw as my A9`s, not much but i think 5%-8%. (in my opinion)
Hi, i have many A9 and DBS but i have never had a A9 wich throws out an DBS.
All DBS have a little more throw as my A9`s, not much but i think 5%-8%. (in my opinion)

Because the DBS is 1.2 Amps R2, and A9 is about .9 Amps Q5 LED. I put an R2 and a 1.4A driver board in mine and seen a 35% increase in output. The A9 has a really great reflector. I'm getting about 95,000 lux with the aspherical lense on it.
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Because the DBS is 1.2 Amps R2, and A9 is about .9 Amps Q5 LED. I put an R2 and a 1.4A driver board in mine and seen a 35% increase in output. The A9 has a really great reflector. I'm getting about 95,000 lux with the aspherical lense on it.

Yes ok, i mean the Original Versions, there is the DBS a little bit in front.
If you don't use an aspheric lens, get the Tiablo A10. It will out throw the A9 and DBS (without the aspheric on any of them and single mode switch on the A10).
DBS is more modular. You may be paying more upfront but you'll earn that back as soon as you get a better DBS module in the future for about $30. You can customize the DBS to take any battery configuration. IIRC the DBS can take P60 dropins, so you can do 2xAAs, 18650s w/e.

With the A9/A10 you can't replace the lens, reflector, and once the tech goes beyond XRE in terms of throwing, your out another 80-90 for an upgrade.
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Because the DBS is 1.2 Amps R2, and A9 is about .9 Amps Q5 LED. I put an R2 and a 1.4A driver board in mine and seen a 35% increase in output. The A9 has a really great reflector. I'm getting about 95,000 lux with the aspherical lense on it.

95,000 lux? Are you sure? I've never seen it rated that highly. Better than the DBS aspherical but not THAT much better from what I've read. I have neither so only based on research.
DBS cant take P60 Module, the CL1H can take P60 Module.

Maybe not, but don't tell that to my DBS V3 running a P60 XRE dropin. The dropins are thread compatible with the reflector in my limited experience. Failing that Nailbender has the newest emitters and can custom make DBS modules. :cool:
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Maybe not, but don't tell that to my DBS V3 running a P60 XRE dropin. The dropins are thread compatible with the reflector in my limited experience. Failing that Nailbender has the newest emitters and can custom make DBS modules. :cool:

Can you show us some pics from your DBS ?

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