Welcome aboard Gary. One thing you need to keep in mind as far as responses from this gang, is that we have different definitions of a "monster light." Very few production pieces fit into this category as far as most of the folks here are concerned. Haha. I was in your same situation a year or so ago, wanting something more than my 60-80 lumen edc lights, but not sure where to look. Luckily I hadn't found this insane place yet, so my options were limited to production lights. Looking back now, knowing what I now know, I can't imagine that I would have had many choices if any.
All that being said, we'll need a bit more info to help you decide on your choices. Are you looking for something that's "from the factory fresh?" If so, your choices so far are great ones.
If not, there are sooo many options for builds that will devastate any sub-$300 light off the shelf, for far less money. The mag 85 can be built in several forms. I like the 2d and 3d variations myself. It's a bit bigger than what you're used to, but puts out a lot of light and is rechargeable. In my opinion, my 2c or 3c lithium Rops blow away anything surefire I've ever had as far as lighting up a working area and throwing down the street if need be. Rops are easy and cheap to build, probably the best bang for the buck as far as mods go. I love em, own 7 now all different. If you're looking for purely light output and throw, an incandescent (usually bi-pin) light is the way to go.... but... they're not as durable. I think I'd safely say a rop is as durable as a standard mag (pretty tough), but bipins can't take the beating of every day rough use, in my opinion.
If you're looking for durability and bright white light. There are so many led options available that also wipe the floor with most surefires. Fenix lights are amazing for quality, light output (to a certain extent, usually around 250 lumens max), and small size. For edc, if you like the surefire g2 size, you probably won't find a better overall candidate than the fenix t1. It's no super light, but it's way brighter and the torture testing done here shows that unless you get run over by trains or shot in combat on a daily basis, you probably won't ever break one. For led's you might also look into some upgrades or dropins like Gene Malkoff makes. I have every one of his mag dropins and they are truly amazing. I also just got a few of his surefire dropins and it turns a standard g2 or 6-9p into a machine I'd bet my life on. I have yet to get lucky enough to score one of his 4led dropins, but I will eventually. Drop one of those into a 2d mag run off 3cs or a 3d mag and you have yourself a truly "monster flashlight" nobody could argue with.
Ultimately it's up to you, what you want as far as practicality, how much you want to spend etc. Part of me hopes you never decide to go down the modding road, it's a slippery slope and you probably will never make it back. Haha, but since you're already here, I say you're probably already beyond the point of no return. So I encourage you to look beyond store bought flashlights, expand your arsenal to include some truly "monster" lights.
Good luck! Feel free to ask lots of questions, everyone here is generally happy to help. The search function (when it's not down for repairs ) is a great tool once you figure out what it is you're looking for.