Tiny Power Led flashlight using 1/3 N Lithium battery


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2009
Most people think N Cell flashlight is too small, but if you are like me,
If you think N Cell flashlight is too big, then this mod is for you :laughing:

I haven't made a small flashlight for a while, busy pushing limits on big power flashlights. While waiting for parts to arrive for my MagDragon build, I made this tiny flashlight to kill some time on my July 4th holiday:

This flashlight is tiny but it's not one of those with 5mm led or Button cells.

Starting with Peak Baltic N-cell as Host, the "Before" shot:
(To the left is 1AA & To the right is the N-cell battery).

Since I've posted how to Cut-em-down many times, let's skip the unnecessary details & here is the finished light, The after Shot:

The Baltic N Cell has a Lux 3 power led, not 5mm leds as seen from similar sized Peak N-Cell Shasta:

It works, The 1/3 N cell is 3.3V & making it much brighter than running N-cell:

The finished light is 40mm long, ~1.5 inch.

Compare to some really popular small lights:
Left is Orb Raw (14250), Right is 4Seve's Mini CR2 (15266).

Next to it's big brother: Peak pacific CR2/SSC P4:

Beam shot: Left is Peak Baltic 1/3 N cell, Right is Peak Pacific CR2:
It throws a pretty tight beam for such small size.
I've read that the Baltic & Pacific use the same driver, so the out put difference is mostly from the leds Lux 3 vs. P4. The tiny light actually gets warm, hinting it's mighty current flow, which I thought is cute :D.

Tiny battery Shoot out:
1/3 N Cell 10.5mm Long, Lithium Primary, 160mAH.
10180, 18mm long, Li-ion, 90mAH
10280, 28mm long, Li-ion, 180mAH

Joining my small flashlight family & earning instant respect,
it's the smallest power led flashlight in the family, just a hair taller than the Stream light Nano which is 5mm led runs on button cells:
WOW that is a cool little light, good job!

It reminds me of the one I made recently and posted in this thread...

As you can see I used a 10180 cell for mine. How is the run time for your little flashlight using that 1/3 N cell as from your specs it has 160mAH and my 10180 only has 90mAH?

Also can I ask where you got that battery?

If current is equal, the 1/3N would give nearly 2x Run Time than 10180.

The cell is called "CR1/3N" Lithium.

You can get theses cells on ebay. It's against rules to post ebay link,
but you can find it easily by searching: CR1/3N.

Looks for the 4 blue ones, you can get 4 pieces for $4:
Sell descriptions is: "4PCS CR1/3N Battery 3V Fits Invisible Fence Dog Collars" :crackup:


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