Tiny Sheath/Holder/Case for Fenix L0D?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 21, 2007
Having given this engraved L0D to my mom for her birthday, I'm now trying to help her figure out how she can carry it around in her purse without scratching it up.

I originally thought of this L0D as a keychain light for her, but she doesn't really want it getting scratched up by contact with other metal (I don't blame her). She would like some kind of case or sheath to slip it into if I can find something that small for her.

Any ideas on something to hold a flashlight this small? Perhaps even a very slim case that would have its own keyring attachment?

I'm sure we could just sew something together from a proper heavy material -- but if someone already makes something that would work for this, I'd like to look into that first. ;)

OK...anyone know of someone out there who could make a very small, custom sheath for an L0D?

Maybe someone who could make a sheath colored red and imprinted with some kind of words to match the theme of the L0D engraving? Someone who makes knife sheaths, perhaps?
I have been looking at these Atwood Tac Straps, but even though they look great, they're perhaps slightly bulker (wider and maybe longer) than what we're looking for. But these are close to what we'd like to find.

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That's a neat looking light with the engraving you've had done. A pity it doesn't come with a sheath like the other Fenix models.
I have exactly what you are looking for..

I unfortunately dont have any pics right now, but I will take some pics tonight and post them tomorrow..
That's a neat looking light with the engraving you've had done. A pity it doesn't come with a sheath like the other Fenix models.

Thanks, we're all pleased with the way it turned out. I actually gave it to my mom while we were all on our evacuation trip from Hurricane Ike. We spent her birthday away from home ("mandatory" evacuations from both of our areas), so this small gift provided at least one of the nicer portions of our partially forced leave of absence from home.

And yes...I think it's kind of odd that the L0Ds don't come with a small sheath, or at least the option to purchase one (not that I've seen anywhere).
I have exactly what you are looking for..

I unfortunately dont have any pics right now, but I will take some pics tonight and post them tomorrow..

Great! :thumbsup:

I'd love to see what you've got that would for us. I'll keep watch for your reply tomorrow. ;)
Yes, they are Very Cool ! :thumbsup:

But also, Very Expen$ive !

But also, Very Expen$ive !


True... ;)

In the case of the L0D, I could end up spending as much or more on the "holester" than on the flashlight (including engraving costs). Not to say anything bad about the holester product, because those things look like products of excellent craftsmanship and quality materials. But they might be getting into the range of pricing overkill for an L0D...and perhaps a more heavy-duty material than would likely be needed for use inside a purse.
Hey not bad. Where did you get it? Are they costly? I'd like an even slimmer one myself, but that is not bad.

I made one out of climbing webbing and some velcro, but afetr a year on the keychain it looks pretty ghetto...

I like it, cqbdude. Thanks for posting so many views, too.

Is that something that came as a case for something other than a flashlight or an actual flashlight case or perhaps even something you made yourself (or had made)?

If I could find something like that, it would work great for what we need, I think.

Again, thanks for the post. :thumbsup:
I've been doing some searches on various types of sheathes/cases for different objects that might have the same physical dimensions of an L0D. One of the closest things I've thought of is a compact Space Pen case. Other pen cases/sheaths might work as well.

Here are a few more images of things I've found that are close to what I'd like to find -- not as close as what cqbdude has, but close... ;)

Most "pen" cases/sheathes will be too long, but the general slimness is about right. And a pen case/sheath could always be cut down and modified a bit.

This first one is for a short Space Pen and would probably be just the right size (but I'm not crazy about the inside of the metal snap maybe rubbing against the flashlight over the long haul).








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We'll, I think I'm going to give a Fisher Space Pen leather bullet pouch a shot. These bullet pens are rather short (less than 4 inches long), so this pouch is not as long as a standard pen pouch. I don't see it as the ideal solution, and might be a bit of a tight fit diameter-wise, but it will likely do until I find a better alternative. These pouches are less than $6 shipped, so I think it's worth a shot.


I have been looking for a suitable belt pouch for AAA lights (like the L0D or the LF2) for ages, I just can't find anything nice and unobstrusive in that size!
(The pouches shown here all seem to be made from stiff leather, I'd prefere a softer material.)
Any ideas?!? :poke:
I have been looking for a suitable belt pouch for AAA lights (like the L0D or the LF2) for ages, I just can't find anything nice and unobstrusive in that size!
(The pouches shown here all seem to be made from stiff leather, I'd prefere a softer material.)
Any ideas?!? :poke:

For something like that (and even for what I want), if you know someone with a good sewing machine, it would be fairly easy to design and sew something like that -- and it would be to exact size. Suitable material could likely be found in any fabrics store, and even an old item of clothing might provide likely candidate material. You can even purchase thinner ballistic fabrics for such purposes.

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