Tips & Tricks for M3 bezel removal?

signal 13

Jun 28, 2008
Aside from boiling to soften the adhesive, what are some good tips & tricks to getting the bezel off of a Z46 w/ out tearing it up?
Heatgun or torch around the bezel.
Use a thick leather glove or rubber gripper like the ones used to open jars, to help remove the bezel.

If you can't get it, feel free to PM me and you can send it my way and I should be able to get it off for you.
I have 4 of these and three of them were quite easy to open with the RPM bezel removaltool after applying heat with a heatgun.

The other one is a persistant son......
I used the heatgun until it was alsmost glowing :) and the bezel woulnd´t turn a bit. Nailbender told me he would boil water and pour it over the Z46 and let it sit for about 10 minutes. I tried the same, nothing. I even boiled it for about 25 minutes without a waterproof ziplock bag and it didn´t help.

If you take it apart, lay the parts out in order, and write it down or make a little diagram if you need help remembering. It's pretty simple, but if you get to screwing around with aftermarket stuff like 36mm drop-ins, you might have to experiment a little to get everything seated to the proper depth.
Like I say, it's simple, but I've still managed to rearrange things a time or two:duh2:
I went ahead and just sent both Z46s I'm having modded to Nailbender. I PMd RPM about the removal tool, but no response. I figured I'll just have NB do it since he has experience doing it right!

Thanks for the responses tho!