TK11 R2, Olight M20, or iTP E50: weapon-mounting?


Jul 13, 2008
Tucson, Arizona
I'm currently debating on buying a TK11 R2, an Olight M20, or an iTP E50, if that can be weaponmounted, too.

Here's the requirements I have for the flashlight.

Can be weapon-mounted (1" rails)
Multi-level lighting (I like the M20's lighting with the 7/90/250)
Takes only 1 18650/18500/17670, and can also accept CR123 (doesnt have to accept RCR123)
Uses Cree LED's
Can throw 100 meters, with some spill (Don't want something like the DEFT, nor a flood demon)

Re: I have a request...

I think the M20 is going to be a hard light to beat in that case.
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You should consider putting a Eagletac T100C2 to the group your considering.

I don't own a M20 Im sure its a great light but I like the T100 better than my TK11r2
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+2 for M20. I love it's throw, UI, and quality.
Re: I have a request...

Anyone have any beamshots of the other flashlights besides the M20? I'm just curious. Right now, it sounds like a battle between Olight, TK, and T100C2.

Thank you for pointing me towards the T100C2, jhc. With the little research I've done in the past couple days, I haven't seen/heard of the T100C2, but it seems like it fits my requirements :)

At the price of the M20, though, I could get the T100C2 AND the iTP50 (I like the iTP50 because of its "infinite" levels, which will allow me to use it for reading maps without blinding drivers with 55-250 lumens, but still allowing me to get the power I need, when I need it)

jhc, do you happen to have any beamshots of your T100C2 that are at roughly the same distance that the beamshot of the M20 is, so I can make a better comparison?

Found a beamshot of the M20 (posting it here for personal reference)

Olight M20 @32' (almost looks brighter than my Ultrafire WF-1000L on high!)

Re: I have a request...

The T100C2 and M20 should have very similar throw, although the Eagletac will have more overall output with an 18650, since I don't think the olight is regulated with an 18650. Apparently Eagletac will be coming out with a pressure switch for the T100C2 soon as well, which is probably a plus for a weapon light.

Also, it is very hard to judge actual brightness from a picture of a light. You shouldn't compare the brightness of a light that you actually have to the brightness of a light in a picture; there are too many variables (like shutter speed, aperture size, ambient light, etc.
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The M20 R2 WH bin will most likely have a warmer tint compared to the EagleTac T100C2 or TK11 R2.
The M20 is the only one using springs on both sides of the battery, for recoil shock, making it the obvious choice IMO.
The TK11s switch isn't stiff enough. The recoil would turn it off and on.

I've never used an M20, but I would make sure someone here can verify the M20 takes some pressure to turn on and off.
You mean the pressure switch or the tailcap switch?

An M20 prototype was tested with over 500 rounds in an AR before the product was released and the M20 is widely used within the gun enthisast community for weapon mounting; they've seen action on just about every weapon there is at this point...
Thread title changed - vague titles are unhelpful.

I apologize about that, DM51. I was tired when I started the thread.

Thanks for all your input, guys. It sounds like the general consensus is to get the Olight M20. I'll see what I have left after paying for other stuff, and hopefully buy it if I have enough money left over.

Also, does anyone have any wallshots of the WH vs WC bin? I'm not a huge fan of the yellowish color of the WH bins, but if its white enough, it'll save me about $20 (another member has one posted on CPFM for $80).

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I mounted an M20 on my Romanian SAR-1, pressure switch works great, mount is solid. It is such a great light I bought another one so I could leave the other on the rifle. I got the WD tints because I like a cool white tint and most of my uses are in urban areas. If I lived and worked in more woodsy areas I would go with the WH tint as I hear it is better for depth perception in the woods.
Accessories for the M20 are fantastic. It comes with a great holster. If you dont use the 18500 batteries the M20 comes with a battery magazine for 2xCR123 primaries that makes changing the batteries, even in the dark, a breeze. It is easy to tell the positive from the negative because there is a little bump on the top of the + end. You could always use your 18500 rechargeable and keep a battery magazine of 2xCR123 primaries in the foregrip or buttstock compartment of your rifle for back up. You can also get a diffuser and different color caps specifically for the M20.
The TK11 doesn't have a low-low mode. The M20 can run like 94 hours on low. A great option to have, conserves batteries and night vision, especially with the red filter on.
As you can tell I'm super happy with mine, that's why I got 2.
Just an FYI, the olive drab one I got was more like tan/silver. The evil black one stays on the rifle.:devil:

Thank you for all that information, I will look for those items as I get more money.

On 4sevens' website, they say that the lowest mode (7 lumens) runs 150 hours, but don't say if that's on 18650's, or CR123. I'm going to assume they are going off the 18650's, since those (generally, if you use the higher capacity 18650's) have more Watt Hours than 2 CR123's.

Do you know if the 2xcr123 tubes will fit 1 18650, or does it hold them side-by-side?

To get reliable CR123's, I'd have to buy new ones, which probably shouldnt be a problem, though I don't prefer to use them, since they're expensive (compared to 18650's, for daily use), but definitely worth the investment in an emergency situation.

Sounds like I'll want to get the cool white tint one first, since I live in/around the city/desert, and the nearest wooded area is over an hour away. Not an expense I was planning, but what is, anymore?

The 2 Cr123A batteries fit inside the plastic battery tube end to end and is as long as an 18650. The batteries do not fit side to side. The battery tube is designed to contain 2 CR123A batteries (primaries). It will not hold one 18650 battery due to the larger diameter.

From what I understand, the WD bin tint is very white while the WH bin tint is slightly warmer. For me I feel the warmer tints give better depth perception and able me to differentiate colors better. A WC bin tint should be cooler than a WD bin tint.
If you prefer a cooler white tint then you should consider the Warrior M20 with Q5 emitter which is a WC bin tint. The M20 Q5 version is also less expensive than the M20 Premium R2. It is rated as having less lumens but you probably won't be able to tell the difference.
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I too am also looking for a light for my M4. I have a TK11 R2 that I keep in my glove box. It's a good light and was thinking about mounting it. Now I'm leaning towards the Olight M20. I only wish the M20 did not have to chrome bezel. I would have prefered it to be all black. Is the pocket clip removable?
The bezel, which is stainless BTW, is removable if you want to get rid of the shiny bit. It doesn't retain the reflector or do anything so removing it doesn't affect the light.

The pocket clip is also removable - it takes about 2 seconds.
The bezel, which is stainless BTW, is removable if you want to get rid of the shiny bit. It doesn't retain the reflector or do anything so removing it doesn't affect the light.

The pocket clip is also removable - it takes about 2 seconds.

Awesome! Thanks!:)