Torn between two Malkoffs...


Newly Enlightened
Aug 9, 2008
Which to put in my new 6P? Do I want the retina burning power of the M60 with 235 lumens but eating batteries every 1.5 hrs, or the 4.5 hours run time of the M60L with only 140 lumens (which is still an improvement over the 80 lumen Surefire P60L I put in my old 6P). I really like the idea of being able to shine a light in an aggressors face and having his vision seriously messed up, at least for a while. Kinda like a non-lethal hands off weapon.
Which to put in my new 6P? Do I want the retina burning power of the M60 with 235 lumens but eating batteries every 1.5 hrs, or the 4.5 hours run time of the M60L with only 140 lumens (which is still an improvement over the 80 lumen Surefire P60L I put in my old 6P). I really like the idea of being able to shine a light in an aggressors face and having his vision seriously messed up, at least for a while. Kinda like a non-lethal hands off weapon.

Just give in to your flashaholism and buy both! :thumbsup:
M60, definitely.

Find a rechargeable solution. Otherwise you will spend a grand a year (at least) on primary cells.
Just give in to your flashaholism and buy both! :thumbsup:
Sound advice!
Both the M60 & the M60L are great drop-ins no doubt. From a distance of less than 20', my eyes can distinguish the slight difference in center hotspot intensity. With that said, for your purpose of visually disorienting a target, I don't think either drop-in makes much difference, assuming within reasonable proximity.

With Aloha,

Flashlights are not magic weapons. You will not be able to disorient an attacker for more than a few seconds, and provided a resourceful and trained adversary you will be sorry.

Sorry, but a light shouldn't be thought of as a defensive implement. It's a tool that is used for illuminating objects in the dark, not for deterring a charging, armed criminal.

Get trained. The first element of training will always teach you to avoid a situation if possible. Steering clear of alleyways, darkly lit areas, or areas of high crime - these are all risk factors. If you are in a situation which requires defusing, you should attempt to flee. If you cannot due to physical barriers (back to a wall), then the choice becomes yours: fight or submit.

A light will not be a magic panacea for criminals. Police still carry handguns and shotguns for good reason - sometimes tasers don't even work.

Even high-power weaponlights are used solely for illuminating the subject. In a combat situation, you know you have an armed adversary. Blinding the opponent will not save you, unless you follow-up decisively.

Regardless, be safe out there.
Flashlights are not magic weapons. You will not be able to disorient an attacker for more than a few seconds, and provided a resourceful and trained adversary you will be sorry.

Sorry, but a light shouldn't be thought of as a defensive implement. It's a tool that is used for illuminating objects in the dark, not for deterring a charging, armed criminal.

Get trained. The first element of training will always teach you to avoid a situation if possible. Steering clear of alleyways, darkly lit areas, or areas of high crime - these are all risk factors. If you are in a situation which requires defusing, you should attempt to flee. If you cannot due to physical barriers (back to a wall), then the choice becomes yours: fight or submit.

A light will not be a magic panacea for criminals. Police still carry handguns and shotguns for good reason - sometimes tasers don't even work.

Even high-power weaponlights are used solely for illuminating the subject. In a combat situation, you know you have an armed adversary. Blinding the opponent will not save you, unless you follow-up decisively.

Regardless, be safe out there.

Thanks, I have training, 20 yrs police. Not looking for so much as a "magical weapon", but a deterence/annoyance tool. The next time "Jethro" and/or "Peanut" are eye $%^&ing me and running their mouths, I wanna be able to give them a shot that leaves them seeing spots for the next 30 minutes. My bad, did I accidentally shine that bright light in your eyes?
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"Thanks, I have training, 20 yrs police. Not looking for so much as a "magical weapon", but a deterence/annoyance tool. The next time "Jethro" and/or "Peanut" are eye $%^&ing me and running their mouths, I wanna be able to give them a shot that leaves them seeing spots for the next 30 minutes. My bad, did I accidentally shine that bright light in your eyes? "

Well then you should already know your answer. The more powerful Malkoff M60. You already have a good low level light for long battery life as a back up. So go with full power.
This is quite the quandary to be in, isn't it? I, too, would say get both because there is always room for an extra Malkoff, especially if one goes to work with you daily. This would explain how my curiosity to try one of Gene's drop-ins has led me to four now; two M60's and two M60L's.

Do I like both? Absolutely. Do I use both? You bet. When it comes down to it, there's nothing sweeter than the initial awe you feel when you hit the switch on the M60 for the first time and see that sweet, creamy hotspot and the nice punch of light shred through the dark.

The M60L was my first Malkoff, and I'm glad I went that route. You can't beat the quality and output for the runtime, but it's really hard to deny yourself the M60 knowing how much more oomph it puts out compared to the M60L. Get both if you can, but the M60 for sure. You won't regret it whatsoever.
My 'best' light, and my 'favorite' light, is an M60 in a Surefire C2-HA.
There is no question that an M60 in any Surefire host is a stunning package.

However, I'm going to go out on a limb here, possibly against the flow of popular thinking, but here goes anyway.....

I would say, all things considered, price, usuage, battery consumption, everything taken into consideration, that the good ole 6P, with the Malkoff M60L, is possibly the best flashlight available. I'm hoping that doesn't unleash a storm of protest. Note, I'm not saying it actually is the best flashlight, I'm saying it's possibly the best 'with all things considered'. Yes of course, you could start with that, then 'improve' it by going up to the C2 etc, changing it to the M60, but then other things suffer, cost, battery runtime etc.

My point is, if you're buying both, then maybe a third and fourth, you'll be happy with them all and find a good use for them, but if you really are getting just the one, and you're going to rely on it, 6P and M60L.
Nicely put, Niconical. If I had to do it all over again and could just get one Malkoff, it'd the M60L. It's truly the most 'well rounded' of his drop-ins, but it's so hard to deny the M60! I truly love both and one of my favorite lights is the M60 in an M2 body with a C2 head, but my G2Z with an M60L is right behind it in second place.

Sheesh. Makes me wanna try the M60F now.
Off-topic reply: You definitely should try it. There actually is a low version M60FL as well. They are my favorite since I mostly use my lights for indoors scenarios like power failures. Seldom do I need anything that throws.

Back on topic: Either M60 or the M60L can do no wrong. Within close-enough distance, I think they would both work as intended just fine. I would pick the M60 for maximum output effects, but if the light in question is also intended to be used as a survival light after a hurricane or something, the M60L makes more sense since it would run a little longer than the M60.
Sheesh. Makes me wanna try the M60F now.
In certain applications on certain surfaces @ very close distances I find the Malkoff M60 to have a blinding effect on me behind it because the reflection is intense enough.

Reason enough for me to get the 60L model as well :naughty:
I have 9P with M60 but due to the fact that Surefire 9P lacks dual modes, I will get a AA lite with multi-modes and as a backup.

Yeah often enough, it's over kill. When you need much runtime not 235 lumens.

But often enough, it's not.
My 'best' light, and my 'favorite' light, is an M60 in a Surefire C2-HA.
There is no question that an M60 in any Surefire host is a stunning package.

However, I'm going to go out on a limb here, possibly against the flow of popular thinking, but here goes anyway.....

I would say, all things considered, price, usuage, battery consumption, everything taken into consideration, that the good ole 6P, with the Malkoff M60L, is possibly the best flashlight available. I'm hoping that doesn't unleash a storm of protest. Note, I'm not saying it actually is the best flashlight, I'm saying it's possibly the best 'with all things considered'. Yes of course, you could start with that, then 'improve' it by going up to the C2 etc, changing it to the M60, but then other things suffer, cost, battery runtime etc.

My point is, if you're buying both, then maybe a third and fourth, you'll be happy with them all and find a good use for them, but if you really are getting just the one, and you're going to rely on it, 6P and M60L.

Perfect, just perfect! 100% agreed!

I did just that, too, an M60 for my C2-HA and an M60L for my round-body 6P. Plus, on the longest running light (6P/M60L) I also installed a clickie tailcap, a Z59. Fantastic setup!
I have an M60L on order. I have an M60 and an M60F. They are very different. The M60 is great. The F version is AMAZING as long as you don't need a tight beam and greater throw. I'll have to see how the L works - I have high expectations.
I vote for the M60L.

I have 8 Malkoff drop ins, and I like the M60L best.
Well, I ordered the M60L last night, the cheapskate in me that doesn't want to change batteries every two days won. I might end up getting a full power M60 later.
Well, I ordered the M60L last night, the cheapskate in me that doesn't want to change batteries every two days won. I might end up getting a full power M60 later.

Good decision.
I've got 'em both and love 'em both (both are in 6P's).
But having used both of them and if I had it to do over again, I would do as you did and get the M60L first. (but the M60 should be your next one)

To alleviate the problem of expensive battery use with the M60, what I did was to get one of fivemega's 2x18650 tubes for the 6P.
So now I have the super bright M60 running on rechargeable 18650's, and as a bonus, runtime is more like 3 hours (rather than 1-1/2 hour) on my 2600mah tenergy protected 18650's.
Well, I ordered the M60L last night, the cheapskate in me that doesn't want to change batteries every two days won. I might end up getting a full power M60 later.

Have you considered asking Gene to make you a M30? You can have the brightness of a M60 while using a single rechargeable 17670 cell (i.e "free" lumens). I have several Malkoff drop ins and the M30 has become my favorite.