TR-001 trickle charging question


Dec 18, 2005
Honolulu, HI
The LED's on my particular TR-001 reliably turn green when the batteries (14500's in this case) measure 4.16 volts on my cheap DMM (which I think reads about .01 volts low). If I then leave the batteries on the charger for an additional ~30 minutes, the batteries are brought up to 4.18 volts on my DMM. My question is: Is this additional ~30 minutes of charging after the LED's turn green OK or is it bad for my batteries?

I am confused because from what I have read, I gather that, in general, trickle charging Li-Ion rechargeables is bad, (causing plating, etc.). So is this ~30 minutes of trickle charging up to ~4.18-4.19 volts right after the LED's turn green on the TR-001 a proper part of the CC/CV charge process that is perfectly OK for the batteries on a regular basis, or is it the "bad" kind of trickle charging that may have negative effects on the batteries over the long term?
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What you describe seems fine. The "bad" trickle charging is charging that goes on for 24 hours a day. Normal charging of a lithium ion cell should cease within about 3 hours or so. Within that time a small trickle charge at the end to bring the voltage up to 4.20 V is quite acceptable.
I wouldn't leave the batteries on the charger after they are up to the right voltage though. It sounds like that charger may not have a positive charge cut-off.
Yes, I don't know for sure whether it does or doesn't cut off completely at some point, but I'm assuming it doesn't unless/until proven otherwise. So I'll just leave them on for 30 minutes to an hour tops after the LED's have turned green. I don't want to charge my batteries above ~4.18 anyway, so this charger is working out very nicely for me.

If I need to use a charger that has a positive cut off, I have one of the Shekor's for that, but mine cuts off a little on the low side at 4.08/4.11. Do you think it is OK to start the charge on the Shekor and then top off to 4.18 on the TR-001, or is it better to just do the whole charge on the TR-001?
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