Travelling around the world with no luggage

That reminds of how I first came across CPF - a link on the (excellent) website.

At that time, the author recommend the 2nd-gen Inova X1 (a good choice at the time). I see he has continued to update the suggestion - he went through a few Fenix lights, now recommends the 4Sevens Quarks:

He was certainly bang on with his description of this place. ;)

I've long been a prononent of the carry-on only travel method. Harder now obviously, but still doable. Once did two weeks in the costa rican rainforest with a single bag. Also managed it for business travel - did two weeks across 3 cities in the US on business travel (with 2 sport jackets, one on me and one in my carry-on, so no one caught on!).

EDIT: Ha, that's too funny - I see the flashlight page on actually has a link to my Mini tint comparison review. Small world, since that page originally let me here!
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I'll have to look through that onebag site, looks interesting.

I recently flew down to Florida with my fiancee and we each had 2 carry-ons (one camera bag, one laptop bag), plus a piece of checked luggage. After that experience I will never travel with anything more than 1 carry-on. I might still have to have an additional camera bag but I will make sure it's small.

I couldn't believe what people considered carry-ons! Some of them were huge. If you boarded near the end there was no overhead bins left and once or twice had to check one of my carry-ons. What's more valuable/breakable? laptop or camera?
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