Did you know on macs web site he has the 50 edc available to buy now with a 4 week wait?
I saw them on the website, but thanks for the info about the wait time. Have any specs or beam shots been posted for the Tri?
Beam shots HERE - scroll down to posts 81 and 85. As for specs, I think Mac posted some specs HERE. I personally can't wait to get my two to check them in my sphere- and hoping Bigchelis gets one to test - he has a much more accurate sphere.
Mustang90- Personal observation is that the SST-50 has an actual hotspot and wide, ample spill, a "traditional" flashlight beam where you get decent throw and diminishing sidespill the further you go towards the end of the beam pattern. Tri-EDC is a big honkin' wall of light, same intensity from edge to edge, nice throw, and has a much lower low level if that is important to you. Most usable indoors, where the SST-50 on low is a bit much on low inside for me, personally. YMMV. If you like the hotspot, and the more traditional looking beam, SST-50 is for you. Even output from edge to edge, and a lower low, Tri-EDC is for you. Outdoors, the difference in lumens is noticeable, but not huge, you wouldn't be judging either unless you had them side by side. Both put out a TON of light and as such are phenomenal in such a small package. Build quality on both is second to none. Beamshots in Dan's link are very close to what the eye actually sees. Either will blow your socks off. :thumbsup: Given the chance this evening, I'll try to take a few more pictures. Any requests???
If she has any sense she smiles that smile and says "yes dear", and if you have any sense you drop the subject after that. Am I right?Man this is going to be cool. I keep running around the house with my 6p/Malkoff M61 drop in telling the wife this is 240 lumens and imagine what 700 looks like.
If she has any sense she smiles that smile and says "yes dear", and if you have any sense you drop the subject after that. Am I right?
If she has any sense she smiles that smile and says "yes dear", and if you have any sense you drop the subject after that. Am I right?
As negatively-stereotyped as that sort of thing is, it does mean you trust each other to handle the details of things you're each better at. It's actually a good thing, as long as you're not looking for an in-depth conversation on the topic.She says she listens but its like hearing what she says about where and when we are going places. I guess we are even in the topic of not hearing the details.