Trouble Shooting - Version 2.0 Video is ready !!!


May 21, 2003
West Virginia
Some of you may remember Trouble Shooting - Vol. 1 - PC Hunter

We are happy to release Trouble Shooting - Version 2.0 - The Anti_Virus !!!

Hope you enjoy watching it at least half as much as we did making it!

WARNING: Contains strong language and violence against computers.

Thanks :)
making it was,,,, a Blast ;)

Everyone, please feel free to comment on things you did, or did not like, so that we can make Version 3.0 even better ;)

I was just wondering if you were available to bring your tools over and fix a computer for me.:tinfoil::poke::crackup:

Pretty cool video. I liked it.
We posted our last vid on a while back,
and we got a couple comments about the trash. (we noticed only the @$$holes bothered posting comments on there)
[EDIT] no I was not calling you one ;)

Anyway, why?
Do you assume we left it there? I hate to see trash in the woods as much as the next person.
At the end of each day, several garbage cans full of parts were gathered and raked up, and dumped into a dumpster once we were back in town.
Pack it in, pack it out.

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That was funny as F**k. :lolsign:

How about driving over the computers or dropping them off cliffs. :D
John (and tell Sam too!) - once again a MASTERPIECE! Very entertaining, love the tunes & the way you laid them out to the video!

I had to watch Volume 1 all over again as well! :thanks: for the entertainment!
A sequel might feature a plague of "mice" (maybe with a few mutant "trackerballs" thrown in). The film could open with some gruesome scenes of innocent users being trapped and half-strangled by computer cables, under attack from airborne floppy disks, then moving on to show mice that have gone feral living wild in the jungle on mouse-mats, protected by flying memory chips and floppies and a few armour-plated hard drives thrown in. Cue our heroes in a clay-trap simulation scene with shotguns, blasting the floppies and plinking the mice which are all contolled by a giant malevolent virus-infected SERVER! Cripes, how much jumping-mixture did I put in that last drink I had...
LOL thanks for the comments guys :)

We actually thought about animating a few of the computers and parts.
Like having printer lids flap open and shut like mouths, cords dropping out of trees like snakes, makes mice, etc walk along the ground.
We have also thought about loading up the Skeet Trap thrower with parts :D hehehehe
