Tungsten Disulfide (dry lubrication)


Dec 9, 2004
Huntsville, Alabama

With all the hub bub about NanoLube I did a little research on the net and found that Tungsten Disulfide has many (if not all) of the properties of Nanolube. I plan to get some of this and try it out - but I was wondering if anyone here has prior experience.

"Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) is the most lubricious material in the world which offers excellent dry lubricity unmatched to any other substance. Mixing the WS2 powder with wet lubricants (such as oil, grease & other synthetic lubricants): The powder can be mixed 1% to 15% v/v (as required) with grease or oil. This will enhance lubricity of the mixture and also improves High Temperature and Extreme Pressure properties of mixture. During the use, WS2 in the mixture will get coated on mating/moving parts, which in turn reduces friction and improves lubricity and load bearing ability for much longer cycles. "

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Tungstenite is popular for moulding, die casting and even food processing applications. Great stuff if you can find a shop that does it. The compound is sprayed on @ high pressure and it bonds with the bare metal surface.

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