TV Show looking for someone who can build the "Puke Flashlight"


Newly Enlightened
Jul 9, 2010
TV Challenge!! Can you build a "Dazzler" vomit inducing flashlight??


I'm working on a major cable TV show in the US and we're looking for a few amateurs who are interested in making the "puke flashlight" as part of our show. If this is something you think you could pull off, please hit me up! We're located in Los Angeles, but could probably shoot this wherever you are, too. Give me a ring ASAP, we're under a tight shooting deadline and I'd love to give you more information about this project.

Email: Hunter @
(except no spaces)

Phone: 323-785-2660 ext 235
(This contact info only active July 2010)
Hey there,

Have you heard about this non lethal weapon "Puke Flashlight" that the government has created? The information on it is open source and I know it's been made by a couple amateur engineers like..

I'm currently working on a major cable TV show in the US and we're shooting a segment on the device. We're actively looking for individuals or pairs who can actually pull off an attempt at making this. We're currently shooting in Los Angeles, but could possibly travel to where you are. Please hit me up ASAP if you're up for a fun challenge!


Hunter @
(except without the spaces)

323-785-2660 ext 235
(This contact info on active July 2010)
Re: "Dazzler" vomit inducing flashlight

The real question is whether regurgitation is induced by the sight of the light's ******* provenance, or by its no-doubt impressive light output?
TV Challenge!! Can you build a "Dazzler" vomit inducing flashlight??

Welcome to CPF, TVPukegun :)

I'm sure your post will attract a good deal of interest here, and I'm sure we have members who will be able to rise to the challenge and build this thing for you.

To ensure your post achieves the best exposure here, I'm going to move it into a separate thread so members can reply to it directly without compromising the original thread. I'll provide links to both threads when this has been done.

Edit: link to the original thread here.
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Re: TV Challenge!! Can you build a "Dazzler" vomit inducing flashlight??

Thank you so much!