Two 6v or one 12v for spotlight what differences?


Jul 22, 2006
Ottawa, Ont. Canada
I just picked up a cheaper "15 mc" spotlight because it claimed to have a 12v 7ah cell .... at home and open it appears to have two cells linked together.
I'm assuming 6v cells.

What differences will I experience? runtime ? output ?
The light also claims to have a Philips 130w H4 bulb. :rolleyes:

Thanks for any info and sorry for the very basic of questions.
There is a technicality here, but an important one. There is no such thing as a 12 V cell, nor a 6 V cell. What they are in fact are batteries of cells. A 6 V battery is made up of three 2 V cells in series, and a 12 V battery is made up of six cells in series. So you see that two 6 V batteries wired together is just the same thing as one 12 V battery. There is really no difference between them.