Two Jetbeam Jet I Pro v. 3.0 with different logos?

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Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2010
(Edit: Maybe I'll get more answers in a different part of the forum? Feel free to guide me since I'm new :))

I just got two Jetbeam Jet I Pro v. 3.0 with warm tint and OP reflector. One for me, and one as a gift for my brother. I have used mine (loving it!) and was about to wrap my brothers when I noticed our flashlights looks different.

Everything is the same (havent tried performance though) besides the print on the body:



You also might notice that the metal clip is slightly thicker on the top flashlight (camera doesnt show it very well). And the clip looks different than what the pictures from the manufacturer show.

I bought them from Im not really worried, but wants to be sure: could either one of them be pirated?

Figured you guys here might be able to help me!

(Oh, and btw. They had assembled one of them wrong, with a large o-ring in the tailcap instead of a small. Changed it to the spare, smaller o-ring. This was what made me look closer and realize the logo and clip was different)
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Hello Endy, :welcome:
You've posted this thread in two separate subforums, which is against the rules - it's easier to just have a single thread so as to avoid reply duplication. I'm going to suggest that this thread be closed - your other thread (in /LED/) will hopefully get some assistance.

Good luck,
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