UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX, price lowered


Aug 17, 2006
S.E. Florida
"UltraFire C3 Cree 1xAA 1x14500 Flashlight Kit"
$20.95, shipped

now $18.99, shipped

Amazing, I just asked them 2 days ago if they would be carrying this model.

Edit to Add:
The reply that I got from Susan was: No immediate plans to stock the item in question.:ohgeez:


Now in stock, again.
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Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

Looks like the guy who started selling these on CPF a couple days ago was a bit off on specs.
OK, way off.

Looks like same coating as my C2, not type III.

QCG also has them.
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Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

I have the non-Cree version of that (VIPPA), and I love it. Lots of light, nice size...well worth the 12 bucks or so I paid for it.

A Cree version of that (with a holster) for 21 bucks is quite a bargain.

The coating on the VIPPA is relatively fragile, though...mine has worn down on all the sharp edges. I use it a lot and don't really have shelf queens, but thought I'd throw that out there for the folks who consider that a major failing.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

BillMPL, it could just be the 'Lux vs. runtime trade off'.

How hard do you drive a specific engine?
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

I have a Nichia MX power 1AA lookalike but with the MTE label on it's body. The build quality is not as good as the Ultrafire.

Maybe they have improve on the quality nowadays.:)

But this Ultrafire C3 looks well made.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

Does anyone know the current that the C3 drives the cree at? Also, its probably a 3W huh? I just bought two of them and would like to swap the emitter in one with a Cree UV Xlamp 7090. This is a 1W with a suggested current of 350ma.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

From the pics it does not look like it would tail stand - rubber boot appears to stick out - which is somewhat unusual for this style of light.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

I don't own any MTE lights so I couldn't really said which one is better. The Ultrafire C2 I have seems well built. And compared it to my other lights (Inova, Fenix and Jetbeam...etc), the overall performance and quality of c2 is quite good. Since C3 is a newer model, I suspect its quality should be comparable to the C2.

Just by looking at the pictures provided by DX on both MTE 1AA SSC and Ultrafire C3. The C3 looks better, it is more clean on finishing. For the fact C3 takes both regular akaline and 3.6V RCR, I would choose this over the 1AA MTE.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

I agree with lightbug;
the C2 is surprisingly well made, good overall fit and finish, threading ect..

The led module, heatsinking is great on the C2;
if the same type is used on the C3, could be another winner.
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Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

I agree with the comment on the product page. If they could HAIII this and use the VIPPA GID tailcap for a DX SE C3 it would be very nice. I had to buy one anyhow.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

Base on their specs, DX shows the MTE with 3x the amount of Lux at 1m, (1300 vs. 3700). I'd like to know the total lumens on each.
Re: UltraFire C3 Cree @ DX

BillMPL said:
Base on their specs, DX shows the MTE with 3x the amount of Lux at 1m, (1300 vs. 3700). I'd like to know the total lumens on each.

What's up with that? That's a poor showing. Looking forward to the reviews that ought to be coming in about a week or so.