Underachieving P3D Q5


Mar 5, 2004
Leeds - England
I already had a standard P3D from when they first came out, so when the Q5 version was launched with 215 Lu- I thought the extra performance justified a further purchase.

As it turns out my new 'Premium Q5' is an underachiever and is noticeably dimmer than my original P3D. :sigh:

All contacts are clean - batteries are fresh.

Didn't expect that at all ....Pretty dissappointed really.

Anyone else experience the same thing?

i would send it back. i have done the same as you, bought the new Q5 , and i am very happy with my one, i got the OP reflector.
To be honest, my P2D Q5 didn't wow me as much as i expected when it took the place of my L2T with CR123 tube.

But the more I use the P2D, the dimmer the L2T looks to me.

My L2T is much warmer and natural than my P2D, and it's taken me a little while to get used to the change of color. I have noticed that the P2D spill is considerably brighter though.

I wouldn't suspect that much of a difference from the P3D to P3D Q5, but if it is dimmer, than something must be up.
The only reason someone may *think* its dimmer, is of the orange peel reflector. I have both P3D CE and Q5, and the Q5 seems to my eye slightly SLIGHTLY brighter, but with a nicer wider beam profile with more usable spill. i prefer the Q5 over cree p4
I have modded a lot of P2D's and P3D's with Q5 LEDs. I am measuring anywhere from a 20% to 33% increase in brightness over the stock P4 LED. The increase is easily seen by eye.

If the Q5 light is not considerably brighter, then you need to send it back for a replacement. Something is certainly wrong.
You might have gotten a Q5 with extremely high Vf. I would send it back if it is dimmer then the P3D-CE.
Being too hasty and sloppy tonight I put in a battery the wrong way! I burned the FluPic and later I tested the Q5 @ 3 Volt to see if it was OK. It barely lit up, so I tested it with one fresh 18650, and it performed as it did before the accident. Then I compared this led at 3 volt with a new Q5 from KD which I have tested to have ~3.35 V in vf @ ~1 A. The newer Q5 is at least four to six times brighter at a lower voltage (3 V) compared to the older Q5 , which tested to be ~4 V in vf @ ~1 A. The old one was one of the first I used for modding back when Q5's became widely available. So there seem to be a lottery when it comes to Q5's. The newer the brighter, at least at voltages below 3.5 V. It sounds like you got an emitter with very high vf in your P3D.
I just posted my impressions before seeing your post. I did not notice much of a wow factor compared to my P3D CE, which has the smooth reflector.
i would send it back. i have done the same as you, bought the new Q5 , and i am very happy with my one, i got the OP reflector.
Didn't you leave a message saying you'd gotten one and were disappointed?

Both my P3D's are OP reflectors - So the comparison should be a fair one.

The beam on the Q5 is not only dimmer, but it is smaller.

The difference in brightness is not massive but definately noticeable to the eye...100% of people that I have asked to campare and say which is brightest picked the regular P3D.

I think I'll do as suggested and drop a line to the fenix store and see what response I get.
