Unfrosted HO-A2 Bulb Issue


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
Hi all,

I just got 2 unfrosted HO-A2's and I noticed that the bezel doesn't screw down all the way. As a result the LED's start to dim and go out. Another (potential) issue I found is the piece of metal (copper) that sticks out at the bottom of the bulb might end up denting the part of the body it makes contact with. If I screw the bezel down any further it will definitely make an indentation, possibly voiding my warranty with SF.:(

I'll post pictures if necessary. As a side note I have the old 4 sided version.

Does anyone else have this issue?


I have A2s with all the bulb options - MA-02, FM Strion conversion, and HO-A2 frosted and unfrosted. There are differences in construction (both HO-A2 versions are the same apart from the frosting) but all fit in the bezel OK and have no problems.

No dents are appearing in the A2 body where the contact is made with either of my HO-A2s.

Are you sure your LA is seated properly, all the way in? That is what your problem sounds like if the bezel is not screwing in fully.

Did you check the LED ring - could it have worked loose or not be fully screwed in? That would prevent the LA seating correctly, and could account for your LEDs dimming.
Are you sure your LA is seated properly, all the way in? That is what your problem sounds like if the bezel is not screwing in fully.

Did you check the LED ring - could it have worked loose or not be fully screwed in? That would prevent the LA seating correctly, and could account for your LEDs dimming.

This would be my guess as well, though early on LF did have some tolerance issues with some of its E series lamps.
Are you sure your LA is seated properly, all the way in? That is what your problem sounds like if the bezel is not screwing in fully.

I think that more than likely DM51 has nailed the problem.

I have two Unfrosted's and they both fit and operate perfect without any of the issues you've inquired about.

That would be an easy fit if it just needed seating.

Good luck! :)
Theres some oddball A2s out there DM51, we are not all as careful as you are when we buy them, new or second hand.:grin2:

My square bodied A2 has a lamp thats slightly too tall [not the envelope, but the "chair" that gets pushed to beyind snug when the head is screwed all the way in. And new MA02s don't work in it because its the newer design, and round bodied A2 uses lamps that doesn't work in square ones:candle:
Has anyone tried their HO-A2 with a four sided square body A2? This is the style I own.

I think this is the issue at hand.
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Mine does not screw down 100%. More like 96%. Probably was made this way so that there would be no issues with flat sided A2's since later MA02's have been reported to have contact issues with early flat sided A2's. This has also been true in my experience.

I don't consider it a problem. Obviously Mark was thinking ahead when he made these for 100% compatibility. Kudos to him. :thumbsup:
Mine does not screw down 100%. More like 96%. Probably was made this way so that there would be no issues with flat sided A2's since later MA02's have been reported to have contact issues with early flat sided A2's. This has also been true in my experience.

I don't consider it a problem. Obviously Mark was thinking ahead when he made these for 100% compatibility. Kudos to him. :thumbsup:


Sorry, I forgot to mention mine is a fairly new round bodied version, that's why I made that comment!
After reading countless threads on A2, I started reminscing the A2 and end up I trading my E1B for one over a CPFM (round body version). I also ordered an HO-A2 from Lighthound and should be getting it today. I'll see how it fit when I get home tonight.
One of mine is a four sided and had my FM strion kit in it. Last night I removed it and stuck the LF unfrosted in there without any issue. I worked fine.

Some pictures to show us the gap would be great. Also the dents in the body if possible.
You can see it in this picture I took of my A2 for the A2-HO beamshots thread. It is so small, as to be almost unnoticeable. Unlike some of the LF E-series bulbs I've seen. I've also had problems screwing down the bezel completely on many Surefire MN02 (25 lumen) lamps in some E-series.

I can't even see the gap on yours ampdude. Is this how your light is dudemar's or is it more noticeable? After seeing ampdude's picture I decided to go check mine again but it's tight and flush with two different A2's and two different LF unfrosted lamps.
I think the generally accepted mounting procedure is to screw until snug instead of screw until cannot-be-screwed

Something tells me it isn't just a tolerance issue, but likely to include the proper seating of the lamp also. Mine hasn't come in yet from lighthound so I can't really discuss my experiences on it.

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