Newly Enlightened
I recently purchased a Lumapower MRV SK Ultra.
This is my first MC-E light and I for whatever reason, I was kind of disappointed by the output, I was expecting A LOT MORE LIGHT to come out...
Does anybody have this light and perhaps another "more popular" MC-E/P7 to compare it to? An M30 Triton, M1X, Epsilon EDP71 or perhaps an ACE-G?
I'm not bashing the MRV here...It's a GREAT light and I'm happy to own it...
I just want to know if I was just expecting waaay too much from an MC-E or if this particular light maybe has a freakishly high Vf emitter by chance, or is driven conservatively to give better battery life, etc...
Thanx In Advance
This is my first MC-E light and I for whatever reason, I was kind of disappointed by the output, I was expecting A LOT MORE LIGHT to come out...
Does anybody have this light and perhaps another "more popular" MC-E/P7 to compare it to? An M30 Triton, M1X, Epsilon EDP71 or perhaps an ACE-G?
I'm not bashing the MRV here...It's a GREAT light and I'm happy to own it...
I just want to know if I was just expecting waaay too much from an MC-E or if this particular light maybe has a freakishly high Vf emitter by chance, or is driven conservatively to give better battery life, etc...
Thanx In Advance