Update mini mag 2AA??


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2007
Love the forum, lots of ideas, I want to try so many but I will try to restrain myself the best I can. I think I will start small first, I have a 2 AA Mini Mag which I upgraded a few years back with the first LED and switch upgrade I came across: http://www.niteize.com/productdetail.php?category_id=28&product_id=108 I was really impressed but now I would like to upgrade to a single LED and a better tailcap switch. I plan to use the light almost exclusively indoors next to my bed. I have read quite a few posts and have come to the conclusion that I need some help deciding between the 1,3,and 5 watt LED's, I will probably switch to some high capacity rechargeables so the run time isn't that big of an issue. As far as the tailcap switch, I was never very happy with the one that came with the kit but I kind of like the IQ switch they came out with, any comments on this one? Also has anyone tried the 1 watt LED they have? Sorry the post was so long, any help will be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!
Ha, that's no long post. Even though I have answered about the IQ many times, I will again. The resistance within the mode switch is high enough that output will be noticeably less, ~20%. The upgrade you have is really decent for up close work, but if you want a brighter one, the TLE-5EX is the way to go. It is by TerraLUX and a great drop-in. For a tailswitch the Kroll Clickie is the best way to go. Tell me if you want recommendations on where to buy.
Wow the TLE-5EX is expensive. I did a quick google. I can get a G2 for that price.

What are the more cost effective options?
Wow the TLE-5EX is expensive. I did a quick google. I can get a G2 for that price.

What are the more cost effective options?

Well yeah, the TLE-5EX isn't the most cost effective MiniMag upgrade, but it does turn your old 2AA MM into a pretty bright and long lasting flashlight when compaired to a standard 2AA flashlight. If already got a 2AA Minimag lying around and want to breath new life into it, then it is arguably worth the upgrade. If not, it does make more economical sense to buy another flashlight. And eventhough you can probably get a SF G2 for around $30-$35, it's the Xenon version. I think the new LED version of the G2 is about double what the Xenon costs...then again, you could probably get a Xenon G2 for around $35 and buy one of those $10-$20 LED drop-ins and call it a day.
Hi JoshG!

As I read your post, I was reminded of the reason I started checking out CPF and Quickbeam's website flashlightreviews.com.

I bought the same kit you did, with the 3-5 MM LED Niteize drop-in and tailcap switch (I didn't like the switch either) and was pretty happy...for awhile. Then Mag introduced their new LED lights. I didn't know anything about higher powered LEDs and I wanted to find out if the new 2AA MiniMag was any brighter than the one I had with the N.I. drop-in, before I paid the much higher price. First I found FLR, and his "Links" page brought me here...well I found out what I needed to know and I coughed up the money for a new 2AA LED MM. Of course, it is MUCH brighter than the N.I. drop-in and I still carry it at work every day (1 year so far) and I was (still am) pretty happy...for awhile.

Once I found CPF, I guess you could say my life changed...I spent hours upon hours reading and reading, learning more and more...I learned about Luxeons (the LEDs used in Mags LED lights and many others), then I learned about Surefires, which caused me to buy my 6P and I was pretty happy...for awhile.

Then I learned about CREE LEDs, which made me curious...so I bought a CREE drop-in for the 6P and I was pretty happy (still am)...for awhile. Then I bought a cheap 1AA CREE flashlight from dealextreme.com and I was pretty happy...for awhile.

Then I learned about Seoul LEDs, which made me curious...so I bought a 1AA Seoul P4 LED flashlight from DX and I was pretty happy (still am)...for awhile. Then I learned about Gene Malkoff and his incredible Seoul P4 240+ lumen Malkoff Device, a drop-in that fits "D" size Mag flashlights and I was curious, so I bought one and I AM happy! So, I bought another one for another one of my Mags (just because)...then he came out with a "C" drop-in and I was curious, so I bought one and I AM happy!

Now I'm curious about his M60 CREE drop-in for Surefire lights...I'm sure I will wind up buying one...or two and I know I WILL be happy.

Then I read so much about ROPs (Roar of the Pelican), which is a modified incandescent Mag flashlight and I was curious...so over the period of several months, I slowly gathered the fairly expensive parts and put one together for myself and I AM happy...but now I just can't help but wonder about the popular Mag85...

Now, I haven't even mentioned all the other "cheaper" flashlights I have bought, nor have I mentioned all the rechargeable batteries and the expensive charger I "needed" for my various lights. I haven't even dared to add up all I have spent on flashlights and flashlight accessories since I started hanging out here...just what I've spent on Malkoffs alone is downright scary! :help:

All this has happened in just a little less than a year...so let me give you a bit of friendly advice...unless you don't mind becoming hopelessly addicted to a VERY expensive hobby, turn around RIGHT NOW, GRAB YOUR WALLET AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! :duck:

Oh, :welcome:
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I agree completely. I've been here a year, now I'm into modding and cannot belive how much I've dropped on lights.

I find I have to sell off lights I like because, well, I can't seem to stop finding new ones.

If you value your wallet, leave this forum, and lock yourself out. Block it, do anything you can, just get out now before it's too late...

since this is a indoor light why not a smjled they are $6.99 at lighthound, put out 15 lumens and I get over 20 hours in runtime.

The runtime makes me love this light more than my brighter CREE tle-5ex minimag. I love the fact I can go hiking/camping and not have to bring spare batteries.
Welcome to CPF!

The minimag is a classsic light IMHO. It brougt EDC to the masses. I would update it. I've got an original Opalec Newbeam in mine. A great long running tooling around camp light. Its in "Flashlightreviews.com"

Check our the Aurora light kit at Lighthound.com. I don't have one but the specs are impressive.

Then I read so much about ROPs (Roar of the Pelican), which is a modified incandescent Mag flashlight and I was curious...so over the period of several months, I slowly gathered the fairly expensive parts and put one together for myself and I AM happy...but now I just can't help but wonder about the popular Mag85...

From what I've read here, I really believe most people would be best served by going straight to a Mag85 and skipping all the intermediary flashlight steps. Save a ton of money and move up the foodchain of lights ASAP. Funny thing is... I don't even own a Mag85 yet :whistle:What a hypocrite huh? :sssh: near $250 for all the parts (with the AW soft start) just keeps scaring me away :crackup:
defloyd posted a great idea! :thumbs:
smjled, if bright is not Your main target.

I would guess everything (new + better led & switch) to be at least half, probably 2/3rd of a Fenix flashlight.
And You will never get a MM anywhere near what the Fenix package offers.

1: smjled
2: Fenix
3: MM at hand modded to be crazy bright: http://www.lighthound.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=2011
I saw the SMJLED puts out about 15 lumens but I can't find any specs on what I have, does anyone know about what it should put out? Also that does'nt seem like much compared to the the 50 lumens of the 1 watt TLE-5, which only costs $15. I also saw that Nite ize has a one watt LED upgrade (again with no specs) which uses the same Luxeon l LED as the TerraLUX, so should I assume it has the same output??
I think the TerraLux [FONT=arial, helvetica]TLE-5 is the bee's knees. Listed at 50 lumens it provides enough light for most tasks and the batteries last a very long time.

At $14.95 (Battery Junction) for the drop-in and $9.00 (Walmart) for the light, it's a winning combination. Sure, you can find lights cheaper at KD and DX, but to me there is something satisfying about the mini-mag form factor that I just haven't found elsewhere.
I saw the SMJLED puts out about 15 lumens but I can't find any specs on what I have, does anyone know about what it should put out? Also that does'nt seem like much compared to the the 50 lumens of the 1 watt TLE-5, which only costs $15. I also saw that Nite ize has a one watt LED upgrade (again with no specs) which uses the same Luxeon l LED as the TerraLUX, so should I assume it has the same output??

The smjled is way brighter, last longer, and out throws the niteize. The tle-5 might advertise 50 lumens but it is not, My tle-5ex is probably 50-60 lumens and it is rated at over 100 lumens.

If you get a smjled2 it will equal the tle-5 in brightness and have the same runtime of the smjled
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From what I've read here, I really believe most people would be best served by going straight to a Mag85 and skipping all the intermediary flashlight steps. Save a ton of money and move up the foodchain of lights ASAP...

...near $250 for all the parts (with the AW soft start) just keeps scaring me away :crackup:

I hear you there...but right now, I just can't spend that kind of money, but I would like to build a Mag85 at some point. :naughty:

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