After spending at least a few grand on lights, I have really slacked off on the purchases. However, I cannot stop myself from dropping $60 on the latest and greatest Fenix. Ordered a L2D Q5 just today, which is probably my 10th Fenix. Picked up a Fenix 1xCR123 Q5 just a few days ago.
Not so long ago, we would have cr*pped our britches with joy to get 180 lumens for over 2 hours out of 2xAA. Thats crazy. I'm still amazed.
Fenix, more than any other manufacturer, seems to be squeezing out a new and
"better" light every few weeks, and I have a hard time saying no. I've said no to just about every other manufacturer, but the others don't seem to be cranking up the output like Fenix, and certainly not at the price.
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