Urgent response please rechargeable CR123


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2007
I'm about to make an order on a new light and have added to my cart two AW RCR123 batteries of 750mah, are those some of the better ones to use, I know there are some that are 900mah and even higher is that false numbers?
Thanks guys

I'm officially a 4Sevens Quark 123/2 R5 owner!!! I'm so excited
AW's Black and Silver colored RCR123 and AW's IMR (red) RCR123's are the only rechargables I trust.
Thanks guys

I'm officially a 4Sevens Quark 123/2 R5 owner!!! I'm so excited

Do you also own a DMM (digital multi-meter) if not- please consider buying one to monitor the conditions of your cells- Harbor Freight has a good DMM for like $4.99- well worth the investment. Take time to read up on the safe use of Li-Ion batts-plenty of info here in CPF.
I will be charging the RCR123 cells on the same $100+ digital mutli-chemestry charger I use on the lithium polymer batteries I use for my RC helicopter, I'm no stranger to lithium tech :D

Thanks for the concern though because these really are no laughing matter, plastic explosives.
RCR123A Good ones will go 600mA + , any more is unlikely ...
Claims of 900/1000mA are exaggerated .

Sales hype as it were !
I don't really want to continue with this thread since it's gone and done

But does anyone have any detailed specs on the AW RCR123 750mah? I can't find cutoff points, C ratings.

I probably will just charge them at 500mah to be safe since I can't find anything about them really.
I don't really want to continue with this thread since it's gone and done

Well...... :crackup:

I think somewhere here on the Forum, there is some info on AW's 750mAh cells, you'll have to search, or just look around a bit.

I charge my 16340/RCR123 cells at 250-400mA. I figure this is close to 0.5C for most cells, and there's really not that much advantage to, for example, a 1C rate. Due to the CV stage taking longer at a 1C charge rate, 0.5C doesn't take that much longer, and it's probably easier on the cells, anyway.
