US Airstrikes in Syria

ABC news called them "self defense". They were very careful to say no innocents were injured.

Iran has been allowed to sell oil even though they are not supposed to. And lately it seems that looking the other way has begun to pose lots of problems. WAR INC is smiling though. Lots of money to be made.
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Can't expect to attack US troop bases and not have any of your stuff blown up.
Glad the fearless leaders we have in place actually had the balls to step up and make the strike happen.
Sending two F-16's to take out an unoccupied ammo storage facility (or part of it) is more like this President having birdshot BB's in his scrotum.
Remember the good ole days when we had a POTUS nobody dared test? Those were good times.
If I recall correct this high ranking terrorist guy stepped out of his vehicle and "surprize! KABLEWY". And when the country he was from began saber rattling the POTUS said "retaliate and I'll blow up your ports of entry". Nothing but crickets chirping for a while after that.
