Do you know why postage cost are so high for us ?

So is there a resaon postage is so high in here somewhere?

The Universal Postal Union is the reason that China can send mail (almost) anywhere in the (developed economy) world for cheap:
The 1874 treaty provided for the originating country to keep all of the postage revenue, without compensating the destination country for delivery. The idea was that each letter would generate a reply, so the postal flows would be in balance.
It's been amended and re-negotiated a few times since. E-commerce has altered the balance of flows and resulted in an effective subsidy to developing economies who can ship to developed economy markets for next to nothing. Subsequent negotiations may have altered the backend arrangements and costs to receiving postal services but don't seem to have altered the frontend realities favoring foreign shipments to developed economies.
This all is impacted by the US being more-or-less the only developed country to _not_ provide gov't funded healthcare.

So... healthcare costs have to be factored into business costs, making an apples to apples comparison w/ other countries hard.

If you want a real fix, not one that someone 5/10/25 years later will go "what were they thinking" (much like current postal rates that the OP brought up) you need to deal with this lack of healthcare funding. It will make us more competitive, healthy, and not such a laughingstock.
USPS prices are way less than UPS. I know it cuz I have a mail dept under me, A ups letter envelope, 2 day shipping to about 50 miles away is ~27 bucks, same for usps is about 8, to send the same ups letter to Denver from nyc, is around 60. those are corporate rates