just so you know


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
97 percent of my post are just to make someone laugh. but maybe im not funny at all. i just like to give a story that makes some one smile or laugh my life is crazy for sure and i do some stupid stuff.. but at the ned of the day i love to make another human smile
most people dont understand my humor im maybe more of. a jerk then funny. so the other day i was walking around are streets i see a bunch of eleders siting around tables i walk u to them and say welcome to arbys may i take ya order. they just looked at me like i was a idiot
Very few people can pull off self degrading humor. IMO, you are not one of them.

When you ask for help on an issue, and people put thought into a response, and time into typing out the response. It's disrespectful for you to not appreciate the effort, as you so often, leave the effort, without a response, or recognition of the effort.

Now, for example, if you think asking where do I get wool blankets cheap? Is humorous, I don't get your humor.
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If raggie admitted almost all his threads are BS,,
he now has to understand the help he'll get here will be about the same.

knowing the right time & place for joking.

Used to read Scientific American religiously, now, no way.
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many many are true but some like the potato sald thread are fake i asusmed everyone would just know it was fake becuase it was so out there but many didnt understand it was fake at all the wool blanket thread was infact true i have 2 wool blankets to rpove it one stil in its bag
just payed 50 bucks a pop for some .. used to get them for like 3 bucks .anyone know where to get them cheap i like 100 percent wool
many many are true but some like the potato sald thread are fake i asusmed everyone would just know it was fake becuase it was so out there but many didnt understand it was fake at all the wool blanket thread was infact true i have 2 wool blankets to rpove it one stil in its bag
So raggie, you started the thread with "I just paid 50 bucks a pop for some"
there were three pages of responses to your plea for help, and you took none of the advice, and you still have "2 wool blankets to prove it"

Not humorous, a waste of time.
poppy u assume i didnt take there advice becuase i didnt respond? i took all there replys into consideration . i dont always respond to all replys. but dont assume that means i didnt read the reply and listen to it..
poppy u assume i didnt take there advice becuase i didnt respond? i took all there replys into consideration . i dont always respond to all replys. but dont assume that means i didnt read the reply and listen to it..
Fair enough.
Did you act on the TV antennae on the roof?

How did you resolve that issue? You never let us know.
btw moving anttena to side was so difficult the first pipe was nt to bad but the part antnnea was atached to was so hard to get into first pipe it still moves the wind blows it and ill go and have to readjsust i tried to drill hole to keep it from mvoing but i gave up lol
Sure. Some say "Pictures or it didn't happen"

It would have been nice, once you did that, that you would have brought that thread to a close.
remind me in the am pappy ..im not in the mood for outisde today . i may even make a video mentioning how much ive always liked you in the video
i live in goergetown ga i watch chanells both in columbus ga and dohtan albama check out a map you will see my issue lol
the wind stinks ive been trying to put a screw thru both pipes but it isnt easy so i gave up ..ps why do companys make a bit holder that isnt magnetic ?.. psps u really should of saw me get second pipe in first pipe lol second pipe has atnnena so hear i am raiseing it but it had the levage id get so close and miss then got it and some how got my fingers skin between pipes . god im a idiot lol it hurt a lot
97 percent of my post are just to make someone laugh. but maybe im not funny at all. i just like to give a story that makes some one smile or laugh my life is crazy for sure and i do some stupid stuff.. but at the ned of the day i love to make another human smile
Raggie, your old story about the ostrich still gives me a chuckle when I think about it.