just so you know

well edd...

Hard to get banned her since most the mods left .in 5 month I predict this forum to be a ghost town
Found a way to ban my self more easy just going to change my password not right it down. I'll miss 99 percent of you all
i'm leaving now...

waits for reaction...

really, i'm leaving now!!!

stamps little feet on the ground...

waits for reaction...

etc etc etc

Im trying to change my pass word try it ya self page never ****ing loads
lol good morning your up late or early me I seldom sleep since I quit my psych meds .
Up since last night!
Also.... Yeah, that's not good. Ask them to change your prescription psych meds. to gummy chew-ables.

Also, what happened? I thought everyone was joking around. Seriously?? Folks got legit angry at Raggie? Did my computer log onto Bizarro World CPF?
Up since last night!
Also.... Yeah, that's not good. Ask them to change your prescription psych meds. to gummy chew-ables.

Also, what happened? I thought everyone was joking around. Seriously?? Folks got legit angry at Raggie? Did my computer log onto Bizarro World CPF?
Honestly I really thought it was all just a joke too. Oh well.
Honestly I really thought it was all just a joke too. Oh well.
I just hope Raggie doesn't leave!

He said it himself that 97% of his topics are just him joking around.
Bit of harmless fun on CPF. 3% of the time, he's being serious when asking for help. (Like his Wool Blanket topic.) If someone told me I'd log in today, and a handful of Regulars would get legit angry at another Regular.... Raggie would be the dead last person on my list of contenders for that.
A great rule I learned in kindergarten is -

If you can't post something nice, don't post anything at all.

We all post something someone doesn't like every once in awhile. It pretty much can't be helped.

The wise thing I've learned during my time here is to ignore posts that ruffle one's feathers. Doing so produces so much less drama.

Yes, I still fail from time to time, and for doing so I ask you to forgive me and ignore me when I do.
A great rule I learned in kindergarten is -

If you can't post something nice, don't post anything at all.

We all post something someone doesn't like every once in awhile. It pretty much can't be helped.

The wise thing I've learned during my time here is to ignore posts that ruffle one's feathers. Doing so produces so much less drama.

Yes, I still fail from time to time, and for doing so I ask you to forgive me and ignore me when I do.
Good post. That and some people just get mad too easily. Only 3 people here have ever really gotten to me. One to the point I was going to drive to Amazon and grab the guy and smash his face in front of a CNN building. (Ok, not really but man he turned into a turd during covid.) Rest of it is in good fun. It's a forum for crying out loud. If you don't want to read it don't read it. Not like the person is standing in front of you screaming.

Enjoy your flashlights, even if nothing good has come out in 10 years.

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