Using a McR reflector on a K2 for my Jr. Lux mod


Oct 5, 2006
Does any one know of which McR reflector can be used on a Luxeon K2 for a Jr. Luxeon Mod that allows for the reflector to take place of the stock TIR lens simply by popping the TIR out. The Idea just came to me that a reflectored light would probably give a little more throw and a nicer beam than the stock TIR. How ever, I want to do it so I can just pop out the Stock TIR (and throw it into a pile of stock TIRS that I have) and just simply install the reflector in.
Your best way would be to measure diameter/length of the Tiros and then order a refli that is almost the same

imho there is only one McR to use: the 19 mm!
(and this one's size is like almost all optics)
... should fit into the Jr.s head...

how do You plan to open and close the head?
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According to my measurments the McR 20 or McR 18 will work, the 19 will be too tall and the opening too small to incorporate a K2 LED.
The reflector out of a L_D series Fenix matches the threads of the retaining ring(screws into body) on the Lux Jr. perfectly.There is a gap of about 1mm or 2mm with the bezel screwed back down.Its possible remove the raised lip on the reflector and the reflector will fit perfectly.Just be sure the emitter leads dont short out when you screw down the reflector in place of the retaining ring.Not a McR but I thought it might be useful info.
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The L1D CE and the L2D CE.Although the ones for the Rebel version should be the same thread size,I dont know about the length though,or the emitter opening size.The Cree reflectors with a Lux make a large hotspot with a smooth transition to spill,Im assuming it would be the same with a Seoul.I actually have planned on upgrading my Jr. with a USWOH Seoul,just havent gotten around to it.Its been my experience that the Jr. only pushes the emitter at around 350ma.So to me it makes sense to use a reflector that produces a large smooth spot since it will primarily be used for up-close work.With modded electronics,that would be another story.I can measure the output with both in a lightbox if that would be helpful to you,Fenix textured and smooth,and the original optic.The cameras at work,but maybe I can even get some beamshots tommorrow if I can get time,if that would be helpful.The McR reflectors are second to none,top notch,they just may be overkill in this application.
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