Using RCR123 battery in D-Mini


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2007
Northern CA
Just wanted to make sure that a rechargeable 3.6V Lithium RCR123 can be used in the D-Mini. I haven't seen it officially stated from Lumapower, but noticed people are. I just got a D-Mini and used a Battery Station 3.6V 900 mAH protected cell in it (Removed from another light, cell showed 3.9V). The light worked for about 30 seconds, then flickered and went out. Tried a different (same type) cell, nothing. Both cells worked in another light, no problem. Tried a new Streamlight CR123 primary cell..nothing. Smelled a slight burnt smell inside flashlight. Performed a current check, showed 2.0 amps, but no light.....ouch, not good! Removed the pill and cleaned the contacts. Reintalled and checked current....showed 460 mA, but still no light. Lumapower is going to exchange the pill, but I want to make sure I can use 3.6V cells in the future. Anyone know for sure?
I was at Batteryjunction's site earlier. They do say you can use RCR123, but do not specify 3.6/3.7V or 3.0V....and at the bottom of the page they advertise the RCR123 3.0V cells and charger. What I was wondering is if anyone knows if Lumapower says 3.7V is ok.
A 16340 is basically a raw, unprotected RCR123A - something we don't generally sell to consumers. I know our 3.0V RCR123A's work fine in the D-Mini (and M1 and M3 for that matter) but because I don't stock 3.6/3.7V protected cells anymore (we did sell them until about a year ago when the more sophisticated 3V protection ciruits hit the market) I haven't tested the D-Mini with them but since a 16340 is the same voltage they should work.
Thanks guys, that's good to know. I'm just a little shell shocked because mine went poof after 30 seconds. I guess mine was just a dud. I did love the beam while I got to see it!! I can't wait to get the exchange LED module.
i put the clicky tail-cap on mine and noticed how long that spring was. then i got to wondering... is it long enough to hold a cr-2? i've got two rcr-2's setting around since i don't use my raw anymore. it fits just fine, no rattle and pretty decent runtime.. 20ish minutes.