UTD Cannister Dive Light


There go ATON light - :poof: :crazy: very fine hiding !!! or ....copying :crackup:

This light sells http://www.tillytec.de/de/produkte/dir-light.html which represents many small diving light manufacturers

OSTAR has 16W 4 die emiter and 21W 6 die emiter

could be some CREE MC-E or SSC P-7 or ...
whatever -still bad cooling of emiter , could be solved by shorter test tube
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Looks like Osram Ostar. This is the same head that MB Sub (I think) sells as an upgrade to HID units... If it's putting out 1000 lumens it's probably the Osram Ostar 6-die 27W LED. I don't think there is anyone making 1000 lumens with 10W.

He, he,

where do you have seen such a construction on our site???? :thinking:

It's hard to figure out what it is. P7 would be more like 3.6V and 2.8mA and MC-E could also be 7V and 1.4mA or 14V and .7ma.

I don't see what would be in the range of 13v and 1.4mA?
:laughing:In the mirror inside test tube is 4-die emiter and I have the same white AluPCB holders and P7 D or even (E- never see (go over 1000)) bin go to 1000lm.

P7 would be more like 3.6V and 2.8mA and MC-E could also be 7V and 1.4mA or 14V and .7ma.

I don't see what would be in the range of 13v and 1.4mA?


not mA .....A is the right value 3,6Vx2,8A=10,08W !!!!

1,4A and 13,1V must be values from LiOn battery pack consumption before entry in to the buck driver which normally uses (voltage drop 1-2 volts )

1,4A*13,1V=18,34W ; 8 W power drop it is too much (or bad driver).
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Either it`s a exact copy or the orginal ATON head. In this case it has definitely a Ostar Led.

But isn`t the Ostar obsolet? I heard Osram don`t sell it anymore.
I think OSTAR 4 die it is not so bright ( or must be data false )

but power equation would work with stepup regulator
He, he,

where do you have seen such a construction on our site???? :thinking:


Hell, I was just guessing. I just knew I had seen something... ATON it is!

Yes, the only 1000 lumen Ostar is the 6 die and that thing is 27W... and yes, Ostars are no longer produced!
Looks like the aton test tube to me to, or either a copy.
The aton uses 1.5amps current draw and the ostar... These details i got from Marcel who designed the aton test tube, still have the email.
So they over drive the ostar which might give the 1000 lumens advertised.. I dont think they use the 27w ostar more likely to be the 16w..or even the 12w as the 16w is used in the agir brok and the hollis 16w led which give Agir 960, Hollis 1000 lumens (made by Light Monkey for Hollis)
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Looks like the aton test tube to me to, or either a copy.
The aton uses 1.5amps current draw and the ostar... These details i got from Marcel who designed the aton test tube, still have the email.
So they over drive the ostar which might give the 1000 lumens advertised.. I dont think they use the 27w ostar more likely to be the 16w..

Ostars make a butt load of heat. I wonder how they'll hold up. Of course they are so close to the water that heatsinking may not ba an issue!
Does anyone know the price and where to get the important parts of that slug? Just the led, test tube and driver.
If it's putting out 1000 lumens for 10 watts it ain't an Ostar. The numbers don't match. Most likely going to be a MC-E or a P7. 1.4A drive current suggest MC-E as it's individually addressable.
I have seen this light at BOOT and it uses a Ostar led.
I cant remember which ostar it was the 4 die or 6 die:shrug:

Greetz Johan

Hi Johan,
I'm sure you are correct so it would appear that the specifications of the light are incorrect. I don't know of an Ostar that gives 1000 lumens at 10 watts.


edit : I have emailed the company and asked the question
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Hi Johan,
I'm sure you are correct so it would appear that the specifications of the light are incorrect. I don't know of an Ostar that gives 1000 lumens at 10 watts.


edit : I have emailed the company and asked the question

If it's 6-die it's probably the 27W unit... But with the run times they claim, I'm not sure what they are doing.
Here's the email i sent to marcel back in december and his replies are in bold.. hope this answers your questions.. apart from which ostar is used..

Hi Marcel,
I came across your new aton light heads http://www.direxplorers.com/specialist-dir-kit/7630-new-dimension-dive-light-diving-innovations-repairs.html and to be honest I'm very interested but I would like to know more as there is limited information at present.
1. How many Lumens does the aton1 and aton2 produce? >>> ATON I does approx. 1200 lumen / 22.000 l/m- ATON II is brighter-details will be public on BOOT show
2. Which LED are you using? ATON I uses the Ostar.
3. How much current and voltage does the test tube LED need? So I can workout battery runtimes form the selection of packs that I have spare.
>>>Current draw is 1,5A.
4. Is there any controlling electronics? If so what benefits does it provide?
>>> Yes of course. The electronic dropps down the amp supply to the led when your battery is empty. So the light is not switching off, like HID. The diver can indicate the end of burntime if the light gets less bright. It starts flickering before the battery can get hurt.
a. Is there only one power level?
>>> Yes, horgathian like.
b. Does it shutoff when the battery pack is low to avoid damaging the batteries?
>>> Answered previously
c. When it reaches low voltage does the led step down to a lower level to give more light instead of shutting off completely?
d. Thermal cutoff if the led gets to hot?>>> Not necessary.The construction allows even on land overheat.
Here's the email i sent to marcel back in december and his replies are in bold.. hope this answers your questions.. apart from which ostar is used..

Hi Marcel,
I came across your new aton light heads http://www.direxplorers.com/specialist-dir-kit/7630-new-dimension-dive-light-diving-innovations-repairs.html and to be honest I'm very interested but I would like to know more as there is limited information at present.
1. How many Lumens does the aton1 and aton2 produce? >>> ATON I does approx. 1200 lumen / 22.000 l/m- ATON II is brighter-details will be public on BOOT show
2. Which LED are you using? ATON I uses the Ostar.
3. How much current and voltage does the test tube LED need? So I can workout battery runtimes form the selection of packs that I have spare.
>>>Current draw is 1,5A.
4. Is there any controlling electronics? If so what benefits does it provide?
>>> Yes of course. The electronic dropps down the amp supply to the led when your battery is empty. So the light is not switching off, like HID. The diver can indicate the end of burntime if the light gets less bright. It starts flickering before the battery can get hurt.
a. Is there only one power level?
>>> Yes, horgathian like.
b. Does it shutoff when the battery pack is low to avoid damaging the batteries?
>>> Answered previously
c. When it reaches low voltage does the led step down to a lower level to give more light instead of shutting off completely?
d. Thermal cutoff if the led gets to hot?>>> Not necessary.The construction allows even on land overheat.

No voltage?
I just dont get this light.

It seems to try and imitate a HID and my guess is that it will fail.

Much better to build a LED light based on the strengths of LED's.
Sure its not going to put out a HID like beam but thats not a bad thing.
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