UV powders and paints


Apr 19, 2007
This isn't exactly GID but I got the idea from it. Since learning about how UV light is good for recharging GID paint/powder I was looking for a UV lightsource. Most likely a UV stylus from streamlight.

Then i got reading about how there are paints and inks and powders and whatnot. Some websites had them for not so cheap but I have no experience in this area. Has anyone played with UV products? Anyone know who stocks good powders/paints? Anyone done cool projects?
I was thinking about painting par of the interior of my car so that it glows with a UV domelight.
Dont want to spoil your fun but UV light is no good for your eyes.
It might look cool if you left the domelight on when you were not in the car but it might also attract the wrong kind of attention.
1 What, I expect he would use a near UV light source, one of those ones around 400 NM. Those are not that bad. I think his car could come out looking kind of wild. eyeeatingfish, are you familiar with Electroluminescent (EL) products? They might compliment your work.
According to maxmax.com LEDs are limited to UVA. UV LEDs havent gone below 375 or 365nm. I dont know if that makes a difference as far as your eyes go though...

What about the indoor mini gold places that use blacklight to make certain colors glow? If that bad for your eyes?

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