Newly Enlightened
As the title says I got my very first surefire light on 12-14-07. I was at Lowe's looking around and knowing that they are now stocking surefire's I went a looking. I did not see them on the flashlight end cap up front. I continued to look around the store and I found them hanging on a j hook thing in the electrical isle. The price tag on the top of the hook thing said $64.00. I look at the lights and they had both the 6pl and the g2l hanging on the same hook. I grabbed a sales person and asked them about it. I told them that there was a $20.00 price diffrence on the 6pl Vs g2l. He called a manager over and they said they are marked $64.00 and they would sell me either light for that. The manager also said that the light should be up front with the otehrs. So I got me a new surefire 6pl for $64.00 + tax. I was in heaven (I never get lucky like this). Well this light is going on my duty belt as a back up to my new supercharged gladius. I am soooooo happy!
Thanks for a great forum!
Thanks for a great forum!