Vibrating Watch/Stop Watch Question


Sep 6, 2004
Hi All,

I have a quick watch question for you all.

Might anyone be aware of a commercially available Watch that Vibrates like a Stop Watch?

Meaning not to be set to go off at a specific time like say 8:30, but rather that could go off like a Stop Watch.

I ask as I do Stand Up Comedy and for example if I have a 15 minute set I'd ideally like a watch that could be set to go off at 14 minutes in, letting me know I have 1 minute to wrap things up.

This would be key as regular alarm owuld not work for me as I'd never be able to program a specific time as I would never know when i'd be going on exactly time wise.

Lastly, I know some cell phones have this feature but unfortunatelt mine does not.

Thanks in advance,
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If you're not looking for a watch but an interval timer, at $20 the Gymboss is inexpensive and very flexible -- it's the best interval timer for exercise going. Vibrate or alarm or both, two interval timers, etc.
B@rt said:
I have a Dakota Vibe, and beside 4 alarms it also has 4 countdown timers. I think that it does what you want it to. ;)

Wow... that looks like a great watch to use as a timer for my meds... B@rt, can you tell me if the countdown timer can be set to 2.5 hours and if the countdowntimer automatically starts again after reaching 0??

If it does that, the only thing that could make it better would be a black case that fits a zulu strap and tritium illumination...
Thanks all for the quick and great suggestions.

I would really like to have a Dakota Watch, preferably the Silver color. I might just have to save up for it and get it within the next couple months.

As for the GymBoss, I'll likely place an order for that soon.

Once again, Thank You, as your help is much appreciated!

All My Best,
The Casio G-Shock G-7500 has a vibrate option on all modes, countdown timer, stopwatch, alarm and hourly signal. Great watch.

Hi LightCacher,

Thanks for the tip!

I ended up order one of those, with a different color, and it should be in by late this week.

I should be able to try it out soon thereafter, and when I do I will post here.

All and all I liked the Dakota a lot, but with my budget at this time I think the GShock was the best choice for me.

Thanks again all!

The biggest advantage, IMO, is the fact that the Dakota uses an accu, where with the Casio, depending on the use of the vibro function, you will have to change batteries earliert than usual. ;)

And it is TI... :ohgeez: :grin2: