Victim of RIAA "driftnet" awarded attorneys' fees


Dec 20, 2003
Victim of RIAA "driftnet" awarded attorneys' fees

Some of you may remember Capitol Record v. Debbie Foster, where the RIAA sued an Oklahoma woman over copyright infringement. In July, the case against her was dismissed with prejudice, which, in the eyes of the judge, made her the prevailing party. Earlier today, the judge handed her another legal victory, awarding her "reasonable" attorneys' fees from the RIAA.
It seems like she used the same defense as red-light runners who have their photo taken. "It was someone else who did it." But the RIAA shouldn't be so heavy handed.
what she used for a defense was secondary to fact that she won attorney's fee's from RIAA. hopefully setting a precedent.
I think its funny to see more and more people being listed as "victims" of the RIAA. Now I myself completely agree that these people are being victimized by the Music Mafia, but its interesting to see how public opinion is finally starting to change how the media reports it.