Wanna Mod a Mag


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
I've been looking for the excellent thread showing numerous pictures of disassembly and modding of a Mag. Has anyone any ideas of which one I am referring to?

There are...sorry for not giving more details. I want to build an ashpherical Mag and have the components and would like to see pics of the Mag switch being taken out and a P4 being wired to an H22a heatsink. I thought I'd asved this but can't find it. This is nothing complex so, if it can't be found, I go it on my own.

OK, that's settled now.....I want to use a 52mm (dia) condenser lens. What might be considered the better of two focal lengths....33mm or 38mm? Any difference in beam performance or that affected rather by the diameter and quality of the lens itself?

With the Surplus Shed optics,the 37mm FL had a higher lux reading than the 35mm.But the 37mm's are no longer available and I dont know if this would apply to other aspheric's.

Thanks. I'm looking at Melles Griott at this point--a premium $ but not enough to give me heartburn. I am more concerned with performance and ability to focus properly. The focus may not be a problem with either but I just don't know.

"33" more intense light and "38" further throw due to smaller ("tighter") focusing.....right? Potentially a large difference or barely discernable?

I think the Cree XR-E is better suited for the aspheric mag mod. You should pick up an r2 Cree while you are at it for $7.00.
I din't get my lenses quite yet---as far as I know. I'm on the road away from home a bit anymore. If they are there and, if I get some time this weekend I MIGHT be able to put this together...I hope!
