Wanting to make/mod my first light...


Feb 10, 2010
St. Peters, MO
I was thinking about modding a 3 cell maglite or making my own light from scratch, But the problem is i dont have any clue as where to start. If you guys could post links to the items i need to buy and/or give me direction on how to do it i would really appreciate it. Also i do know that i want to use a SST-90, but im not sure what kind of batteries i need to run it or anything. Any help would be nice. I am a quick learner once pointed in the right direction. Thanks.
You wanting to do a D or C cell?

If this is your first MagMod, I would maybe do a SSC P7 host first. That is still 800 or so lumens @ 2.8 amps.

If you screw a SST-90 up, that is a $50.00 LED.

If you still want to do it, then you need to maybe run 1 or 2 IMR26650s.

Others here know far more than me, so I am sure someone will chime in shortly.

Keeping in mind this is a SST-50.
Look here:
You wanting to do a D or C cell?

If this is your first MagMod, I would maybe do a SSC P7 host first. That is still 800 or so lumens @ 2.8 amps.

If you screw a SST-90 up, that is a $50.00 LED.

If you still want to do it, then you need to maybe run 1 or 2 IMR26650s.

Others here know far more than me, so I am sure someone will chime in shortly.

Keeping in mind this is a SST-50.
Look here:
Not sure if i want a C or D cell yet but i do know i want an E bin SST90 so i can get the most lumens. As far as screwing it up, well thats my fault if i do but thats why i want some info from you guys before i do this. Thanks.
Well cool then. :p

You can get your Heatsink from Britelumens.com

You can get your LED from photonfanatic.com

Do you have the teflon wire, thermal grease, artic alumina adhesive?

Do a search, someone is making drivers here already I think this is it:


Figure out if you want C or D then think battery options.
Thanks for the info i dont mind buying the stuff i need, But i dont know how to put it together:ohgeez:. or what battery options i need. All help is appreciated. Thanks again.
Click here and here for a lot of the info you need. Click here to see an SST-90 mag mod I did. With all three of these threads, you should be able to get a good start. You probably don't want to use the same drivers I used in my build; I think some better driver options are forthcoming. Also, I'm now thinking the Batteryspace 26650's aren't really up to par. I'd recommend AW26500's for high current applications (probably above 5 or 6amps), I'm planning to order some and try them out; I hear they perform better though.

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Click here and here for a lot of the info you need. Click here to see an SST-90 mag mod I did. With all three of these threads, you should be able to get a good start. You probably don't want to use the same drivers I used in my build; I think some better driver options are forthcoming. Also, I'm now thinking the Batteryspace 26650's aren't really up to par. I'd recommend AW26500's for high current applications (probably above 5 or 6amps), I'm planning to order some and try them out; I hear they perform better though.

Thank you very much for that info. If i used an E Bin emitter what do you think OTF lumens would be on average, not the first second.(thats like a camera flash and doesnt count IMHO).
Click here and here for a lot of the info you need. Click here to see an SST-90 mag mod I did. With all three of these threads, you should be able to get a good start. You probably don't want to use the same drivers I used in my build; I think some better driver options are forthcoming. Also, I'm now thinking the Batteryspace 26650's aren't really up to par. I'd recommend AW26500's for high current applications (probably above 5 or 6amps), I'm planning to order some and try them out; I hear they perform better though.


Woah... def have to make one of those. :) 1000 lumens... how fun!
Thank you very much for that info. If i used an E Bin emitter what do you think OTF lumens would be on average, not the first second.(thats like a camera flash and doesnt count IMHO).

If I'm not mistaken, a WN bin is currently the highest available bin. A WE bin would be taking a huge step backwards. Were you reading the SSC P7 flux bin chart? Unfortunately, each manufacturer has a different way of labeling their emitters, so once you figure out the charts for one manufacturer, you have to start all over with the next manufacturer:hairpull::D.

I think the reason lumens fall so fast in my light is due to the voltage forward of my emitter, the 7135 based driver for a high current application combined with a high vf emitter and 1x26650 not being able to deliver because of resistance and possibly voltage sag. So, if you use a WN bin emitter, that happens to have a low vf, and you're able to drive it at 6A (@ emitter) without voltage sag; and you have good heatsinking, then let's see what kind of numbers you could get.

By looking at the binning chart on the datasheet, at the manufacturer's website, we know a WN bin SST-90 has a minimum flux (lumens) of 1000 @ 3.15A and a maximum flux of 1200 @ 3.15A. Then, by looking at the luminous flux vs current forward chart, we can calculate roughly the EMITTER lumen output for a given drive current. For example, using the previously mentioned emitter, driven at 6A, the output should be roughly 180% of the original 3.15A number, so the minimum would be 1000 x 1.8 (180%) = 1800 calculated emitter lumens. The max would be 1200 x 1.8 = 2160.

Now, let's say you only have 20% worth of OTF losses. 1800 x .2 (20%) = 360, 1800 - 360 = 1440 CALCULATED OTF lumens minimum. Max would be 2160 x. 2 = 432, 2160 - 432 = 1728 calculated OTF lumens. Maybe this will help you.

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Click here and here for a lot of the info you need. Click here to see an SST-90 mag mod I did. With all three of these threads, you should be able to get a good start. You probably don't want to use the same drivers I used in my build; I think some better driver options are forthcoming. Also, I'm now thinking the Batteryspace 26650's aren't really up to par. I'd recommend AW26500's for high current applications (probably above 5 or 6amps), I'm planning to order some and try them out; I hear they perform better though.

That acually looks really easy. Now my only problem will be picking the right batteries to run it. ( i have no idea how thw amps and current draw works)
Take a look here: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=238641

I was thinking about modding a 3 cell maglite or making my own light from scratch, But the problem is i dont have any clue as where to start. If you guys could post links to the items i need to buy and/or give me direction on how to do it i would really appreciate it. Also i do know that i want to use a SST-90, but im not sure what kind of batteries i need to run it or anything. Any help would be nice. I am a quick learner once pointed in the right direction. Thanks.