Warmest Tint of P60 Type LED Drop-in??


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2008
Hi everyone! Sorry if this has been brought up before, but just wondering what your opinion was on the warmest tint for a Surefire P-60 style drop-in?? I've just ordered the Malkoff M60 for my Surefure 6PL based on a number of reviews here and hope that it's output is at least close to some of my incan lights. My normal use is outside wet conditions in mist or fog (see avatar).

The output of a G2 makes everything look like a scene from the movie Alien. This completely SPOOKS me out at nighttime and I only use incans outdoors for that reason. Can't quite describe it, but it's like a reflective blue tint that makes slight movements of the wind or trees seem magnified. :duck:

I know output will be a factor, so any recommendations in the 100-200 lumen Surefire range would be good. THANKS!!

You did good!..:thumbsup:
M60 Malkoff will do you well.

Get some rechargeables if you can.
+1, good choice! Of all the drop-ins and other LEDs I've tried (Crees and SSCs), the Malkoff is the warmest by a long shot. However, I just got a 2nd one though, and it's cooler, more of a white than the warmer, incan-like color of the first. Truthfully, I prefer the white light of the cooler one - if yours is more white than yellow and I don't get used to it, let me know and maybe we can trade! I will say that even the "cooler" one is warmer than my Dereelight drop in and my DX drop-ins.
Perfect choice! The Malkoff seems to be the warmest out of all the drop-in's avaliable. Mine has a wonderful tint, one of the best tints I have seen! Plus, the M60 is a real SCREAMER!!! :D I am getting almost 250 lumens out the front with mine on 2 rechargable cells, I don't think you will be dissapointed. If you are, send me a PM and I will buy it from you :grin2:
Great -- thanks guys. PBS357, I'll let you know if this is more of a white tint M60 when it arrives (should be soon!).

Strauss -- 250 lumens out the front?? :huh: NICE...! I'll have to compare it with my M3 HO incan lamp (MN 11). It's not apples to apples, but should be interesting...
