Warranty service from Maha?

Hollow Man

Newly Enlightened
Apr 3, 2007
I received a new C9000 from Thomas Distributing yesterday, and unfortunately it was crushed (straight through the charger box) because UPS dropped/smashed it and TD didn't pack it with any additional cushion inside the packing box. After a number of back-and-forth emails, it appears that they're doing a warranty replacement, because another one is being shipped to me directly from Maha rather than TD.

My question is this: will the one I get from Maha be new in box? This is important to me since I plan on moving within the next year, and not only do I want a new unit (rather than a warranty refurb replacement), but a box to pack it in that's in good shape for the move.

To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with TD since I feel they should've simply sent me a new one from their own warehouse. It isn't Maha's fault it was damaged in shipping due to TD's and UPS's negligence.

Incidentally, I can see that the lot code on this one is 0G0KA, which by all accounts is not a freshly manufactured unit.

Much thanks,

Not really answering your question but I had just the opposite with Thomas Distributing under the same circumstances. They even cross shipped me another one that same day. I did call them at 1-800-821-2769 8:00 am - 4:00 pm CST, very pleasant and courteous to deal with.
I was surprised because I've dealt with them before and they were quite good. This has been a bit exhausting, especially considering it's not my fault the box was damaged.

The only conclusion I can come to is that they're behaving differently because it isn't clear whether the charger is broken. From my point of view, it's irrelevant since the package was obviously severely damaged.

To be honest I'm a bit disappointed with TD since I feel they should've simply sent me a new one from their own warehouse. It isn't Maha's fault it was damaged in shipping due to TD's and UPS's negligence.
I agree. If anything, UPS should be taking the bullet for this one, followed by TD for not packing it properly.

Incidentally, I can see that the lot code on this one is 0G0KA, which by all accounts is not a freshly manufactured unit.
That's the version I have. No issues with it to date.
I should probably be less annoyed by the whole thing (after all, they are sending a replacement), but I'm sure most of you understand the geek-happiness of spending weeks doing research, finally deciding on a purchase, agonizing over whether it was the right purchase, re-convincing yourself that "Yes, this is the right purchase," excitement of arrival, only to discover there's an issue.

I'm going to stop bugging them for now (even though I'm still waiting on shipment confirmation), but if the one from Maha doesn't come new in box...

I'm going to stop bugging them for now (even though I'm still waiting on shipment confirmation), but if the one from Maha doesn't come new in box...

Why would you think it would not? You are complaining where there is no issue. Give them a chance to make it right. Maha reads these forums and the last several chargers have been responsive to our requests to the extent that several of us have been beta testers. Sit back, relax, you will be fine.
I guess they had some issues getting Maha to send a unit out soon, because now they're going to FedEx me one themselves. Bravo TD!
