Was your second light the same brand as your first?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 15, 2010
Just bought my second "upper end" light! The M2C4. My first was the P20C2 mkII. It seems like since my first light was an EagleTac, that I'm more interested in more EagleTac's now. Even though my Dereelight C2H is in the mail! I live in the woods so I love being able to walk outside and light it up like high noon. So that's my excuse for buying more flashlights... I've been reading this forum for a while now and gotten tons of information, thanks everyone!

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Nope my first decent light years ago was a Maglite,so fast forward 25 years later and my first decent led was a Fenix followed by ITP-Led Lenser.

Many purchases later I have become fond of Cyba Lites(UK based company) and at time of writing this, just bought another on the net from a UK dealer.

Toying with the idea of adding the new Lumapower Flashlights: Incendio V3 R5.
I could say :hairpull: Ahhhhhhh, not another one of these, but I don't want to knock this thread as I get where the OP is going with this.

I am probably 100 + lights deep buying and selling and I remember that my first purchase was a Energizer Lithium LED AA light. Then I got the Energizer Lithium 2xAA light. Both are garbage compared to what I have bought since but I guess my 2nd purchase was the same brand.

I am glad you like the EagleTac - I had one last summer and it was plenty bright but the ergonomics with that odd handle are weird and it is top heavy in the front. I would consider EagleTac a more mainstream "better" quality light, but it is not upper end. Read up a little and scoop a M6 in the marketplace and use that a bit outside and then you will see what a "upper" quality light can do.
My first quality light was a fenix tk11 r2 and my second light was a fenix tk45. I was impressed with the build quality, output, and value with fenix so i decided to stick with them.
Hello, stephenati. My first light was a Fenix PD30 R4. It was followed by a Fenix TK40 and LD20 since I had some familiarity with the brand. I have the M2XC4. The diffuser gets put on the M2XC4 a lot, because I like smooth and evenly lit lighting. If I want to see farther, I just unscrew the diffuser. Have fun with your walks. I know I like mine.
Disregarding maglite ownership before I became a flashaholic:
My first two big light purchases were both Fenix... L0D, followed by an LD10.

Interestingly today I no longer own any Fenix lights... after going through a few different brands, my entire collection gradually converted itself entirely to Surefires and 4Sevens.
Hi stephenati :welcome:

The Eagletac light's are very addictive, for the price, output and quality they are hard to beat you have started out well. Check out the T20 next it has a bit more throw just be sure to get the textured reflector so you don't get a donut pattern in the hotspot.

The first light to really get me hooked on light's was a Inova X5 and then a Fenix L1T, I got them about the same time and bought a few more models of the same brand before I tried something else. The next brand and model I bought was a Surefire E1L and I have been hooked on light's ever since.

Sure get all the Eagletac light's you want but try something different as soon as you can this way you can really start comparing different manufactures for yourself and who knows maybe you will find something you like better.
My first two lights were an Inova X5 and a Surefire E1E. I was impressed that the tiny E1E was as brighter that my coworkers AA MiniMag. Its way outdated but it still sits in the bedroom if I need it.

BTW, :welcome:

My first decent LED light was the Versati (formerly Horus) ET10.
I was impressed with the efficiency and extended run time.

I followed that purchase up with the Fenix LD20. Then I got into a 4Sevens kick and bought a bunch of those after seeing how much the company listened and took feedback and translated that into real innovative consumer products.
From owning many different brands I now understand what a well designed and engineered light consists of and can buy based on quality and value.
My first post-CPF light was a Photon 3, followed by a Shorelite and an Arc. A PT Attitude fits in there somewhere, too. I have no particular brand loyalty, though I do seem to have accumulated a bunch of Fenix.

My first was the Olight Christmas special so I got 2 lights at once. My second purchase was a DEFT FTP.

I have experienced many brands since, it is really hard to beat Henry's HDS lights.
Disregarding maglite ownership before I became a flashaholic:

Haha that's kinda what I was thinking I guess my first two real lights were a two cell D mag a 2AA mini mag then when I was 18 or 19 I bought a streamlight strion then a surefire L1... After that I was hooked on Surefire.
nope it wasnt. no matter how much i do like the fenix tk11 i havent bought another fenix (ok the e01 that i bought and havent used at all doesnt count.. as it was something like number 15 or 20 bought of my flashlights)

i tried to go around buying stuff from different makes and models to find out what i like and what i dont. so i have ended up with about 40 lights that only 6 are from same maker: 4sevens, solarforce, zebralight, itp, nitecore and shingingbeams own models. (47s has 5-6 nominations, solarforce has 3, zebra has 3, itp has 3, nitecore 2. and shiningbeam has 4.)
Well technically yes. My first light was a mag, as was the second, and third, and so on. But my first "real" light was a surefire 6P, followed by a Coast 3AAA LED. So in that regard I guess the anwser in no.
Well growing up I always thought that Mag was the best you could buy. Then one day I was at target and they had some Inova lights and I remember thinking "Man this thing is bright!". That's what got me interested and how I eventually found this forum. Little did I know I hadn't even scratched the surface!
Yes and no
My first lights were a little 2aa eveready and a dolphin (also by eveready)

My first two good lights (after finding CPF) were a sf6p and pelican m11
Since then I have bought a bucketload of lights of all different brands
Most of them are surefires though
I guess you could say yes. In the past I had cheap lights as well as lights with sub par performance IMO (mini mag). I would have to say that my first good LED light was a Fenix L1P. After I lost that, I bought a used L1D and a P2D body for it so in that respect yes, my second light was the same brand as my first good light.
Actually, yes - 6p followed shortly by the E2 I was considering at the same time.

Mmm, on second thought that depends if you consider Jetbeam or Inova to be "upper end".

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