Flashlight Enthusiast
i started to laugh at myself last night as i was driving to the job site.
it was in middle of the woods.. whole 3 miles of the center of the town
. middle of the night. the job was said to take 3-4 hours max. (we were out in 1.5h).
dismantling the karaoke equipment, the small stage, taking the tables and chairs to storage and cleaning up the place. it was a big lodge, with electricity and running water.. not a place you really "need" a flashlight.. good to have..but not neccessity.
so i had on me my normal edc stuff.. the lummi raw, the quark AAt and then i added up the Lmini2 as i thought if i need the output and runtime it is a must.
then thought that i test the romisen g2 for 1st time in darkness as there is a big field next to the lodge and forest etc.
then i took zebralight h501 as i thought i might need handsfree work too (wasnt there when they put the system up so i wasnt sure)
then i had forgotten the itp eos into my wallet.
and the d10 was already in jacket pocket (forgot it was there).
and then i took the maglite 2d too.. just incase there were left over partyers who would like to have a fight.. hah.. (excuse.. i wanted to play with it and show it to my co-worker with original bulb and the terralux dropin.)
you see why i was laughing at myself.. i carried 8 flashlights with me as i drove into well lit location, few hundred yards away from nearest house and few miles from city.
now, i just did little calculating.. on high mode i could of had atleast 8-9 hours or runtime.. (and sun was to rise in 7 hours). +what ever the maglite would of putten out.
and on low output.. i would of been ok for something like 12 days in a row without turning them out! (this is with low of quark..not moonlight which is plus 8 or so days! ahhahaha)
OVeRKiLL dont you agree! (yeah even you fellow flashaholics should)
*i am sick! i must be.*
this wont happen again! hahahhahah. i will count them better next time!
or instead of 8 lights i take only 4 and SPARE batteries!! yeah! that should sort me out of harms way. right? hahahh..
***those whom are interested.. basically i needed only 1. but used 4. (romisen for testing, maglite for show and tell, lmini2 and d10 to actually show light where i needed it. and d10 just because i needed to light the floor as i walked with my hands full of stuff.. and it was hanging from lanyardso it pointed the floor
. lmini2 was used to scan the outside area for trash and under the table when disconnecting the wires. total use time of lights: 20minutes or so.***
it was in middle of the woods.. whole 3 miles of the center of the town
dismantling the karaoke equipment, the small stage, taking the tables and chairs to storage and cleaning up the place. it was a big lodge, with electricity and running water.. not a place you really "need" a flashlight.. good to have..but not neccessity.
so i had on me my normal edc stuff.. the lummi raw, the quark AAt and then i added up the Lmini2 as i thought if i need the output and runtime it is a must.
then thought that i test the romisen g2 for 1st time in darkness as there is a big field next to the lodge and forest etc.
then i took zebralight h501 as i thought i might need handsfree work too (wasnt there when they put the system up so i wasnt sure)
then i had forgotten the itp eos into my wallet.
and the d10 was already in jacket pocket (forgot it was there).
and then i took the maglite 2d too.. just incase there were left over partyers who would like to have a fight.. hah.. (excuse.. i wanted to play with it and show it to my co-worker with original bulb and the terralux dropin.)
you see why i was laughing at myself.. i carried 8 flashlights with me as i drove into well lit location, few hundred yards away from nearest house and few miles from city.
now, i just did little calculating.. on high mode i could of had atleast 8-9 hours or runtime.. (and sun was to rise in 7 hours). +what ever the maglite would of putten out.
and on low output.. i would of been ok for something like 12 days in a row without turning them out! (this is with low of quark..not moonlight which is plus 8 or so days! ahhahaha)
OVeRKiLL dont you agree! (yeah even you fellow flashaholics should)
*i am sick! i must be.*
this wont happen again! hahahhahah. i will count them better next time!
or instead of 8 lights i take only 4 and SPARE batteries!! yeah! that should sort me out of harms way. right? hahahh..
***those whom are interested.. basically i needed only 1. but used 4. (romisen for testing, maglite for show and tell, lmini2 and d10 to actually show light where i needed it. and d10 just because i needed to light the floor as i walked with my hands full of stuff.. and it was hanging from lanyardso it pointed the floor