I bought a 4 pack of Westinghouse Rehargeable Lithium AAs today at walmart for $10 and I have a few questions. They are 3.2v and say 600 mah. When I bought them I asumed I could charge them in my Energizer NIMH charger but am glad I check on here first . Now I am wondering what kind of cherger to use with them, how long they should charge for since I am pretty sure they are unprotected and where to get charger. I was thinking since I am going to have to buy a charger for these that a solar charger might be nice for emergency and i could leave charger in truck. Do any national chains sell a lithium AA charger so I can pick one up tonight? Should I return these and just buy a set up from Lighthound? Was anting to run these in a Solarforce L2r with a stock Surefire P60 incan bulb. Sorryfor rambling post, I am new to messing with anything other than alkalines or Cr123s, still trying to figure out my Energizer NiMH set up.