WF-501 Users ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
Greetings all! I wonder if there are people that own or used to a WF-501 in all its forms.

I am particularly interested on things like D26 module compatibility and switch reliability.

I briefly had one cos I bought it for a friend's shotgun and I kind liked it compared all the other DX/KD lights. Granted it is old style but I feel it has old time worksmanship and deeper finish. It is as compact as it needs to and I think switch is replacable with these. KD & DX

I guess you have understood. I need a chap host for the current LED modules. Having go3 bad WF-502 (switches) I may revert to the WF-501s

Thanks beforehand kostas
Well, I have several WF-501's, mostly of the WF-501B vintage. Even within the WF-501B part number,
I have seen a number of differences over time, including differing bore diameters (some will fit 18650's,
some will not), and construction just below the head area (the early ones had a "bulkhead",
whereas the later ones allow the springs on the light assembly to directly contact the battery "+" terminal).

The latest WF-501B's that I have received from DealExtreme are bored wide enough to accept 18650's,
and with no "bulkhead" will fit all of the many LED lamp assemblies that I have accumulated. I have not
purchased any WF-501B's from Kaidomain, so have no experience with them. What you receive from either
vendor may depend upon "the luck of the draw".

With the WF501B's in general, the head and tailcap threads need
lubrication, and I have seen a couple of cases where the tailcap switch was
not screwed in tightly enough. My overall impression of them is positive.

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your comments miror my experiences thanks for the info.

BTW this "bulkhead" is a removable disc isn't it? seems it is a form of reverse battery protection. Only the battery + nipple can protrude...

Merry Christmass, Kostas
BTW this "bulkhead" is a removable disc isn't it? seems it is a form of reverse battery protection. Only the battery + nipple can protrude...

Merry Christmass, Kostas


A very interesting observation! On my one light with the "bulkhead", it is
glued in place, and is not removable without breaking it to pieces and grinding
out the remains. It does have a recess at the battery side that allows only
the battery + nipple to touch the contact, as you observed.

Merry Christmas to you and your family also!

Bumping an old thread:

I've got a WF-501B that I like but I'm tired of of the CR123 batteries.

Looking for recommendations for an inexpensive (sub $35) alternative of similar size and brightness that uses more commonly available (and less expensive) batteries (like AA or AAA).


Switches available at the usual HK dealers ....

501 and 502 both have switch issues , but @ $7 for the host ???? or even possibly less sometimes , there is little room for quality ...
Buy some spare switches ...

Or buy better hosts , I think you can have a genuine L2 delivered for like $13.50 to your door [ Host ] , ok , you could have 2 501's for that price ..
But with the 501's , you may need some DIY , I havent had a 501 or 502 yet that didnt need clicky work/adjustment ..\
And I have had 6 501's and 502's ...
They are a great host once the clicky is sorted out ....
My only problem is that they are poorly machined. My first one the bezel would just keep turning, the diameter of the bezel was just a hair too big and it ended up stripping the threads. Also the tail end has only 3 threads cut into it so it would seem that would be another weak point to the light, it uses a finer metric thread pitch so in my opinion it's really needs more threading to be a more durable light.
Bumping an old thread:

I've got a WF-501B that I like but I'm tired of of the CR123 batteries.

Looking for recommendations for an inexpensive (sub $35) alternative of similar size and brightness that uses more commonly available (and less expensive) batteries (like AA or AAA).



I can recommend this light:
Solarforce L2r AA 320 Lumens 3 mode R5 XP-G led Flashlight
It´s a P60 host like the 501 but way better built, takes 2xAA batteries and it´s only $21.99 + $2 = $23.99 (at solarforce sales)
I reommend a additional flat bezel as the original bezel is pretty agressive.

But please do NOT try this dropin in your 501 body as the 2xCr123 will kill the driver.
Or get the shorter, wider Solarforce L2i body that takes 3 x AAA batteries and a P60 dropin. I have had several, I usually gift them because they run on standard batteries.