What are some of the good memories when you went camping?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
It was about 7 yrs ago when I went camping. I remembered and will never forget that the stars were so bright and brilliant. It was breath taking. Also we packed beefs, chickens, and hamburger patties for our 3 days 2 nights stay. The first day we went thru all the beefs and burger patties (there were like ~10 of us).. the next 2 nights and 2 days were only chickens for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I didn't touch chickens for weeks.

And we were stocking up fire woods for the nights, we found this big log with dried mud on top of it. We thought nothing of us until we burnt it. Those dried mud was actually horse/cow poo. Boy did it stink! AWWWW good times...

What's your best memories during your camping days?

Thanks for sharing.
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My favorite camping moment was finding an arrowhead when I was only about 9 years old, while hiking with my parents. It was just sitting on the ground, off the path a bit. It was in great condition, and started my collection of arrowheads. (I wonder where they are, come to think of it!)

Man, I loved going camping with my family... it seems like it's a lot less popular of a pastime nowadays. Going in a few weeks with my brother for his bachelor party. :cool:

:thumbsup: john
yea.. nowaday all the kids want to do is play their ps3, x box 360 , etc...

The main thing for me and my friends are we all have different working schedules. Some work on weekends and other week days...
My wife and I were close platonic friends for years before we found each other romantically. The first time we made love was on a camping trip.

Undoubtedly the finest memory I have, bar none. :)

The first time my wife told me she loved me was on a camping trip.
I also remember sitting in front of the campfire for hours when I was a kid roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. It's something I still do today.
When I was nine my older brother took me and my dog for a night of primitive camping. Our Dad dropped us off somewhere out in the boonies of suburban Pittsburgh and we walked into the woods. Made a lean-to shelter and cooked over a fire. We had to walk some distance the next morning to find a phone to call back our ride.

A good friend and I went camping in the Daniel Boone National forest in January when we already had 18 inches of snow on the ground and snowstorms on the way. I have a timberline 4 man 2 door A frame tent with two vestibules. When we got up in the morning the pines were totally covered with snow and there was not a soul to be heard for miles around us.
Watching the moon while soaking naked in a natural hotspring at 12000ft somewhere between Aspen and Snowmass.

Another memorable camping trip was the time I camped alone at a mountain lake during a moonless, starless, cloudy night THE DAY AFTER I saw the Blair Witch Project. No other backpackers around the lake that night which just happened to be the blackest night EVER in the history of the earth. I don't think my ears ever worked better than on that night! :laughing:
Two things came to mind when reading this. Catching fresh walleye or small mouth bass fish in Quetico/Boundary Waters canoe area (between Ely, MN & Ontario), killing, fileting, and cooking with cornmeal breading over wood fire.

Picking wild blueberries and making blueberry pancakes over wood fire.

Third thing, the fresh air, canoeing all day and seeing nature up close.
For me it's the clear sky and stars. To top it off, the mesmerizing fireflies that drifted around me.
Staying up all night talking with friends during school camp
Short sheeting camp members beds
Night raids on girls camping dorm.

Went RV for new years with a few friends. Summer but at night it was cool, looking up at the night sky and it was so clear, we couldnt sleep. Lying down on the floor and trying to spot the satelite that made its orbit.
Trying hard to spot a shooting star.

All this was in good ole New Zealand with no light pollution.
My uncle owns a lot of about 15 acers in the middle of nowhere down a country road. It has a pond for fishing and swimming, a wooded area and grassy areas for games. Back in the 80's, my parents, my best friend, me and our dog would camp overnight. We would sleep in tents even though there was an electrified house trailer on the lot. We had all kinds of fun there. On July 4th, we would set off all kinds of fireworks. So many fond memories.
Was riding a four-wheeler without foot guards. It just had the metal pegs.

Well, there is a cow pond with very steep banks all around. It's just a big hole. It's steep enough that you had to watch what you did on some parts because you could fall.

Well, it was in the morning and the dew had soaked my feet and the pegs.

My left foot slipped off while riding down one of the steep parts and got stuck, painfully, under the back left tire.

I had the brakes on as hard as I could for fear of it breaking my leg. I was yelling at my brother and cousin to help but we couldn't figure out what to do.

Finally they started pushing it backwards but weren't strong enough to keep it from rolling. I'm not sure how they finally managed to push it backwards when I let off the brakes but I thought I was going to break my leg and roll into a pond with the four-wheeler.

About two hours later my cousins foot slipped off and it threw him off the four-wheeler.

Looking back we laugh at how we got into such a cluster with those old four-wheelers.
gee, Search . . . .

and those are the GOOD memories ? ? ?



lol Looking back they are. We flipped a Kawasaki Mule a couple of hours after that. Trying to though.

Always have to see what your new toys can take before :poof: