What are the longest throwing LED flashlights?


Feb 16, 2007
Back in 2016, I believe it was the REV Victor Enthusiast, which I have. I haven't been looking much at lights nowadays. Can someone share the new longest throwing flashlights please? :)
Current king is the Acebeam K75. I picked one up last week, and the throw is insane.

LEP technology, like the Acebeam W30, can match the throw of the monster throwers like the K75, but there are a lot of cons to go with it.
Current king is the Acebeam K75. I picked one up last week, and the throw is insane.

LEP technology, like the Acebeam W30, can match the throw of the monster throwers like the K75, but there are a lot of cons to go with it.

Acebeam K75! VERY COOL! O crap that just made my Rev Victor irrelevant. Time to sell it lol!
Acebeam K75
Acebeam W30 (LEP technology. Not LED)
Astrolux MF04s
Noctigon K1

Those are the ones that come to my mind when talking about ultra throwers. Yeah, the thrower game has elevated quite a bit over the past couple of years.
Let's add the fabled Astrolux mfo5, which "promises" 3.5km on 1 SBt90.2 led. And there was the semi-custom Sky lumen BLF GTvn CFT90 light.
I am interested as to how far off we are from an LED thrower that will be able to best the mighty Maxabeam.

I also wonder if the mega huge LED throwers, like the one's we are discussing here, will become obsolete once LEP technology gets better.
The k75 is amazing. I have one and the beam is just a monster, it has usable spill too. The LEP acebeam w50 and w 40 are supposed to come out this year. I'm assuming they will be similar to other lep offerings with smaller hotspots and no spill, but 6000 meters of reach for the W50 and 3000 meters reach for the W40 is crazy. Imo the Lep's are more novelties than usable tools however due to no spill and smaller hotspots

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There are LEP lights coming out that promise 3 miles.7 mile range

LEP technology. Gonna need to do some researching now :)

The k75 is amazing. I have one and the beam is just a monster, it has usable spill too. The LEP acebeam w50 and w 40 are supposed to come out this year. I'm assuming they will be similar to other lep offerings with smaller hotspots and no spill, but 6000 meters of reach for the W50 and 3000 meters reach for the W40 is crazy. Imo the Lep's are more novelties than usable tools however due to no spill and smaller hotspots

I totally agree. Those laser beam throwers are really just for fun and is not that usable. I don't think I ever really used my Rev Victor! Lol
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I don't see why we can't have a flashlight that has both LEP and LEDs. Just make the head a bit wider and put some leds with optics into the walls surrounding the lens housing the LEP unit.
Then there'll be a useful flashlight that can provide short and medium range use through the leds as well as ridiculous throw from the LEP.

A bit like a McGizmo Lunasol on steroids if you like!
For LED it's currently:
1. Lumintop GT90
2. Acebeam K75
3. Astrolux MF04
4. Lumintop BLF GT.

When it comes to LEP,
Anything below$1000
Jetbeam M1X wp-rx. Mine does 2.3Mcd in stock. My W30 does about 1.3Mcd...
There are LEP lights coming out that promise 3 miles.7 mile range

Yes, the W30 throws about as far (2408M) as the K75 (2500M), but the K75 puts more than 10X the lumens. It's quite noticeable side by side. Then again, the K75 doesn't fit in your pocket.

I saw a 3 mile light offered from a maker, but law enforcement sales only. Once you get above 1,500,000 Candela they become quite dangerous, can blind people. So I wouldn't count on consumer sales anytime soon, and the light would be like my 5W green laser -- like working with a blowtorch or gun or chainsaw, very careful. The BMW has an optional LEP ultra-high beam option, but it is very carefully interlocked to not shine on approaching cars.
I have a k75. My buddy has a w30. The k75 is much more usable. It illuminates an area with enough spill to search out what you're looking for. The w30 has no spill. If you knew exactly what you were looking for, and could point your flashlight at that predetermined spot, it would illuminate it quite well. In practical use I'm not sure how often that happens. The w30 may be a good option to pair with a long range rifle sight. For search and rescue applications the k75 is the way to go.

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