What battery setup to use for 3D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 13, 2006
Hey guys. I have a Mag85 in a 1.5D setup running 3 17670. I want to move the internals of that 1.5D into my 3D but I'm not sure of what battery setup to use. Ideally, the easiest would be to use 3 lithium cells like 26xxx, but should I use 26500 or 26650 and will I have to do any mods like lengthen the tailcap spring? Shorten it up? Also, I saw somewhere on CPF that you can simply use a PVC pipe as a sleeve for the 26xxx cells in a Mag D body with perfect fitment. What PVC dimensions should I use?
I would go with the battery space 26650's and of course the PVC sleeve as you mention it. The spring will need to be changed up a bit, but that is doable and straight forward. If you go with 26500 you will end up with a void of space (about 1-1/4 inch) in a 3D that will be more of a pain than shortening the tail spring :)