What Cell Phone you use???


Mar 7, 2002
I have only used regular cell phones ie. razrs, krzrs, etc. until now. I purchased a Blackberry pearl 8130 off ebay. The description said mint, new condition. Of course it wasn't but the seller sent me a complete new housing, so he did take care of me. Anyways, I am loving this thing. Email, the web, text messages, it is very cool. The battery life is outstanding compared to the krzr I had been using. And, my daughter is happy as pie to get my krzr. Any BB users out there? Doug:)
I have only used regular cell phones ie. razrs, krzrs, etc. until now. I purchased a Blackberry pearl 8130 off ebay. The description said mint, new condition. Of course it wasn't but the seller sent me a complete new housing, so he did take care of me. Anyways, I am loving this thing. Email, the web, text messages, it is very cool. The battery life is outstanding compared to the krzr I had been using. And, my daughter is happy as pie to get my krzr. Any BB users out there? Doug:)

I just got a BBerry Pearl for work and while I like it, the buttons are spaced a little too closely for my fingers. Also I had to turn off the #%$ auto-text feature 'cause it kept guessing at words while I typed and I spent most of my time deleting it's wrong guesses (it changed "Robert" to "Re-poop," for instance) :duh2: rather than sending my messages. I do like the built-in GPS feature though. Now I'm trying to find a decent wired headset that's compatible with their oddball 4-conductor headphone jack.
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I got a used razr from a friend from cheap about a year ago. I really don't like it. I do like flip phones but I hate how slow and buggy the thing is. You hit a key and have to wait a few secs before doing the next key. I've updated the firmware and streamlined it as much as possible. It has 10 megs of space on it vs the 3-4 or whatever it had stock. But regardless I'd like a flip phone that just works, responds to keys fast, and doesn't crash and reboot all the time. But I would like a basic camera just cause it comes in handy some times for documenting things, and would like color screen instead of low resolution monochrome because it makes it easier to go through menus and find contacts. Having mp3 ring tones helps too since I like to make my own. I don't want to pay an arm and a leg either. Any recommendations? Something I can connect to and pull off and edit my contacts from the SIM and change the gain on the speaker too (razr is uber quiet until modded). Maybe another moto if they have improved....

My old LG small flip phone I had before worked good and fast until it started wearing out but you couldn't manage the phone at all with a pc.
Photonwrangler, yeah the auto text thingy really sucks, it took me a long time to figure out how to shut it off, but it was worth the time spent. It's crazy how it changes the word you start into a word not even remotely close, haha!!!! Doug:)
I have a T-Mobile Dash (HTC 620) for email and texting and spreadsheets of data. For a "phone" out in the areas where T-Mobile doesn't have coverage, I have a cheap NET 10 candy bar phone. When my work blackberry died, we don't have push email available so the extra money for bb service is wasted, I switched to an AT&T flip Windows Mobile smartphone. The HTC STRTRK model. (3525 maybe or 2525 or 2535, I don't know). It has to be charged up every other day, The cheep LG NET 10 phone goes days between charges. But it also doesn't do email.

Yeah, I am a phone (insert euphemism for trashy lady of low moral behavior) :twothumbs

Don't know what I will upgrade to when the Dash shuffles off it's mortal coil. I have been a Windows mobile user from the early days of the Phillips NINO, which still functions. And had more guts than my desktop computer of the same era, The Dash was my first phone/PDA.
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Razr v3xx for me. Works much faster and better than the previous version. I think there's an even newer one out now, though. With AT&T, the choice of phones is fairly limited. I don't know why that is, when other networks seem to have more choices.
iPhone from me :huh:. Really like it on weekends to go on CPF without getting up :).

Blackberry Curve here...luckily work pays for it. Wife and son have iPhones, and they look pretty cool. Although, for typing emails nothing beats a Blackberry.

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