What could be wrong with my 3D Maglite?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 16, 2003
I just acquired an old 3D Maglite that belonged to my grandfather in-law.

It didn't work, so I changed the batteries with new, working batteries. Still didn't work, so I changed the bulb. Still doesn't work.

What else can I do to try to fix this? I'd really like to get this old light working again.
If you really want THAT light to work (a replacement wouldn't be very expensive), then patiently trace the current path. Could be switch, could be loss of continuity in the tailcap/spring, could be loss of continuity at the bulb. You know the drill. It takes very little dirt/corrosion to stop 4.5 volts from flowing. I'm sure you already know to TEST even a brand new bulb and batteries. Have patience. I resurrected my 1970's Kel-lite more than once, finally giving up on it for good (leaking alkaline batteries turn aluminum into something that looks like gray ash). I understand about sentimental value, though. Good Luck.
Just got it working!
There was something blocking the tailcap spring connection. :ohgeez:
Actually, I was just in a RadioShack and saw almost all of their mags on sale. Im not a huge fan of mags, but they had AA, AAA, C, and D cell mags there...just fyi..

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